Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Driving Home


Sunday afternoon it was a breeze to drive home with not so much traffic until we got close to Des Moines. After stopping at three stores we headed on only to come to a stop about 5 miles from Indianola. Both lanes in going our direction were barely crawling and from time to time we even stopped. “What can the problem be? Do you suppose there was an accident?” I wondered.

Oddly enough the right lane that I was in was moving much more than the left lane. Why would that be? If there were an accident they usually make sure that both lanes have a turn. We crept along taking time to view the scenery including people in the surrounding vehicles. Some of the trucks had people in the back, people who looked to be in their early twenties or maybe late teens. Many of them had on black t-shirts and were drinking beer. Hum, what is this? Some had gotten out of their vehicles and were visiting others. After a bit I noticed that people in that lane needed to use a toilet, but with none available they just used the place they were. Most were male, but not all.

There was much talk and laughter. About 30 minutes later we saw a sign that indicated those going to the concert should be in the left lane. Must be some concert! Monday’s newspaper stated that 25,000 people had attended. No wonder so many of them were lined up on the road.

Once past the left turn for the concert there were only about three cars on the road in front of us. Not sure why but I was happy not to be going to the concert. Such things did not appeal to me even when I was that age. Guess I have always been a stick in the mud. I would rather read a good book.


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