Saturday, May 22, 2010

Home Happenings


Leroy is at the Synod convention and it is quiet around here. I think I am not yet ready to be single, especially in a house with four bedrooms. For a guy who does not talk much he seems like a great source of conversation. He is worth something.

I am still working on giving away alyssum. My neighbor has said she would take some. Then I am going to call some others to see about them. I think it would help if it were in nice little pots and did not have to be taken out of the ground. Less bother, you know?

I have marigold seeds to plant and zinnia seeds as well as three spiky red things whose name I have forgotten, and two more geraniums. Then I am declaring me done with planting. But just watch I might get some more.

The guy who owns the mower came with a big trailer, another mower, and his son. With the working mower they pulled the nonmoving mower on the trailer. The father drove the truck away to the tire repair place and his son finished mowing the 6x40 foot strip of grass that was now about 18 inches tall. I need to rake it, but I want to use the garden cart. Unfortunately I can not get it out of the garage because the guy who went to the convention with Leroy parked his car in the garage blocking it in. I could rake the grass in piles and move it when Leroy gets home, but it is so windy that I am afraid it would all blow away. Or, is that just an excuse not to work? I am happy to have the mulch for around the flowers.

I will be reading part of the gospel in Slovak this Sunday. Luckily no one speaks Slovak as my Slovak is getting fainter and fainter. Some of the words I still know, but I can pretend to read as if I do know what I am reading about. Reading is easier than speaking for this chick.


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