I bought a short book on vinegar published in 1995. It only costs a quarter and has already entertained me twenty-five cents worth. My favorite suggestion is how to get rid of corns and calluses. I think I have a callus over the corn on my little toe. I have consulted my daughter-in-law, Jen because she has played soccer for many years and thus has calluses on her feet that have become painful at times. Or maybe it is all the time painful. Anyway she suggested that I soak the offending foot and then use a pumice stone. That helped some, but I suppose one soak is not enough for cure.
I now have a new possibility. This book tells me, "Corns and calluses will fall away, overnight, if you treat them with a vinegar compress. Simply tape ½ a slice of stale bread (which has been soaked with apple cider vinegar) to the offending lump. By morning the skin will look smooth and new." The Vinegar Book
I have visions of the bread being all over the bed by morning. Leroy’s question was, "Do you think it has to be store bread?" We only have homemade bread in the house. Perhaps I could borrow some that I would never return. Since it is my little toe I could use just an eighth of a slice I am sure. Perhaps I would need to put a plastic bag over my foot to keep this bread contained.
I can now give you the cure for just about anything. I suspect some of it will even work. People have been benefiting from vinegar for centuries.
My Thanksgiving cactus is putting on buds so we can look forward to blossoms in November. The other two cacti are just looking green and good.
We are expecting company this afternoon. She is a pastor in a neighboring town. She had wanted to ride bikes with us, but we will not do that, as it is only 37 F. degrees. I was afraid that she would want to ride anyway and how could we admit to being such old whimps. Luckily she called and said that she would still like to come, but not to ride. Yes!
I did hang out most of a load of clothes. I have to confess that I did not do the socks and some other smaller items outside. I only put up one section of our makeshift clothesline. That gave me the courage to stop. My hands were cold.
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