I have decided to start a file of compliments that people have given me. I just got one from one of the students in Slovakia. I did not know her very well and maybe that is what made it so special. She talked about how she liked to come into the library and hear my beautiful laugh. That was also a new compliment for me. I have never thought much about my laugh. I would have this file so that on the down days in my life I can retrieve them and help to turn the low into a positive if not even a high. I remember reading that when Abe Lincoln died he had a compliment in his pocket from years earlier. I think he was a smart man. If he were still alive I would email him that compliment.
Something else I think I should do is to start an exchange of plastic lids and containers. Somehow I seem to have about three lids that do not match any of my containers and then I have an equal number of containers that have no lids. It is almost as bad as the unmated socks that turn up from time to time.
I was amazed to see that gas has gone down to $2.29 per gallon in Chariton. For sure it is cheaper in Des Moines. Course I was all excited when I filled the car at $2.49 just a week ago. Since we do not drive the cars much it will be a while before we need any more gas. By then it could be much higher than what it was when I purchased it. Such a moving target! Mostly I just say we need to buy gas and do it without so much thought.
We have had a lot of wind and in my heart of hearts I am hoping that all of the leaves will be blown out of our yard and into the neighbor’s yard or the street. And you thought I was a nice person. Many leaves have traveled somewhere far away since I no longer see them. Our neighbor must not have sticky grass.
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