Saturday, October 25, 2008

Random Thoughts


I went to Des Moines with some other women to buy replacement items for a family that had a fire in their home. On the way one of the women commented, "Paula makes us all feel guilty." I thought she might be talking about the fact that I walk so many places and most don’t do that. Instead she added, "She has such faith. She does not know where she will be living or what they will be doing and she just keeps going with such confidence and a smile."

I must confess that I did not know what to say to that. I do not want people to feel guilty, but I can not control their reactions. I do believe that how we live our lives does create an impression on people. I did finally make some remark about how some days are easier than others are. In other words it may look like we have it all together, but that is not always the case.

I went to garage sales today. I was so pleased to find two pairs of jeans in Leroy’s size and they were in fairly good shape. They both were marked $1.50. Since one was more faded than the other, I wondered if they would take a dollar for it. After going to other sales I went home were I looked at the jeans and thought that I had only given her $2.50 and one pair cost that and the other was just $1.50. I was embarrassed that I had not given her enough money. Even though it was cool I got out my bike. Earlier I had walked around, but it was easily more than a mile. Since I did not want to walk back that longer distance again I braved the wind on my bike. I tried to argue with her that I owed her more money. She, luckily, had kept her stickers and she showed me that it was just $1.50 and $1.00. I guess my short-term memory is just plain shot and no longer to be relied upon for anything of any significance.

When Leroy tried on the jeans he said they fit very well. He did say, "They smell like smoke. We need to wash them."

His "round home" pair of jeans has a hole in the knee. It is now retired. He had two other that were considered good, but one of them will now be the round home pair because the new ones fit him better and look better. He went from having only two good pair of jeans to having three. What luxury!

Gas in town this morning is $2.17 per gallon. Amazing! Too bad we are not driving to Utah now.


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