Leroy went to a church meeting where there were some give-away items promoting health. He brought home a new pedometer that I immediately latched onto. Then I found out that he had intended to buy me a new "good" one and keep this one for himself. I have gotten this one all set up and I think I like it quite well. It clips shut so I can not accidentally change the setting. It also includes the time and I like that. I have stopped wearing my old one because the steps kept changing either because I pushed on it when I bent over or because it is malfunctioning. I will have to say that I do walk more when I am wearing a pedometer. It keeps reminding me of the number of steps I have taken.
Today I have done fairly well even though we did not walk in the morning. I am not sure why, but we do not seem to get that done any more. We no longer get up at 5:30. Then Leroy has a series of exercises that he likes, I guess he likes. While he is doing that I like to write in my journal first thing. It is a type of stream of consciousness writing and it seems to flow mostly in the morning. As the day goes on I am too much in control for that type of writing.
I walked to the grocery store that is a little over a mile from our house. While there I bought, because they were on sale, 18 eggs, four pounds of sugar, a pound of cheese, and 3.88 ounces of cinnamon. This did not seem like very much until I was half way home and then it started to get heavy. The weight was not on the eggs, but large eggs do weigh a bit. I can not help but wonder if I would have noticed the weight so much when we lived in Slovakia and I was used to carrying weight around.
Then in the afternoon I found out that my glasses had come. So I walked downtown. That is a little under a mile one way.
I am not sure that I like the glasses, but Leroy thinks they look good. At any rate I only wear them at the computer or the organ. I have included a picture.
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