I am not sure what conditions were right, but we now have a lot of bugs and flies around here. Could it be because we left a pile of our apple chunks that are left from cider in the back yard? We had thought that when we were finished making cider we would haul all of them out in the country. In other places we have had some bees come and almost completely consume those apple chunks. I am not sure what it means, but we have seen almost no bees. Instead there has been a flock of large flies. The apple pieces were still very much in place so today we worked on digging a hole and burying most of them. It was hard work as the ground in this spot is like clay and somewhat dry and unyielding. After building up some muscle we got the job mostly done. It is not all out of sight, but looks fine to the casual observer.
Today when I was in the grocery story I became aware that something was crawling on the back of my neck. I reached back but only succeeded in knocking it down inside my shirt. I reached in and tried again but still could not get it. Then I pulled my shirt out of my waist and tried to shake it out. I could not tell if I had removed it, so I moved on. Then I was talking to a woman I know and I could feel that thing crawling about five inches below my shoulder. I asked, "Would you get this bug off my back?"
She pulled out the neck of my shirt, looked in, and reached her hand down. After two attempts she managed to get it, gave it to me, and I stepped on it. It was one of those beetles that look like a ladybug. It probably would not hurt me, but its feet were a bit scratchy and uncomfortable. Someone asked how we make cider. We have a cider press. I wash the apples and cut them in half looking for worms. Even though these apples have not been sprayed I think I have found only two worms. Then I take them out to Leroy who first chops them in the machine and then presses them to squeeze out the juice. We do not know how many gallons we can get from a bushel, but I doubt that it is much over two. Commercially they no doubt get more since they have machines instead of just Leroy’s muscle power.
People often wonder how we got the press. We ordered it from a catalog. They just sent the hardware and my brother made it following the directions provided. People are very impressed with the job that he did. I suspect that it was a lot cheaper to get it this way than completely assembled.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Apple Cider
Leroy and I again made apple cider, about three gallons worth. We gave one gallon away to the people who gave us the apples. Some of the rest we will freeze in smaller containers. The rest we might just guzzle with delight. It is so good. Even though many of the apples were some yellow variety it is still quite good. The color is much lighter than usual. We really do not know what any of these apples are for sure. Most are not delicious, but that is good because I do not particularly like delicious apples.
We have enough apples left that we might make cider one more time if the weather is good about a week from now. Leroy thinks there will only be enough to get about one gallon, but I think there is more. We do want to keep plenty of apples to eat and I will want to make more small batches of applesauce.
I washed clothes today. The sheets looked like sails billowing in the wind. It was a perfect day. The only problem is that I did not take a walk today nor did I do any exercises. I suppose one day off is fine, but it is easy to let several days go.
I tutored again this morning. I am so sorry that I did not ask sooner. I have enjoyed it and I find that we discover more things to talk about as we are together longer. She brings papers that the school has sent home and we discuss what those papers are trying to tell her. Today I was thinking about what it would be like to be a non-reader even if you did speak English. So hard! Most of us are not thankful enough for the abilities that we have.
I was asked if I would sing a solo in church on Sunday as the background for a liturgical dance. I am scared about doing that. It is so hard since I almost never sing by myself. I am practicing, but it is harder when I have to accompany myself. I will have to spend some more time on it.
Leroy and I again made apple cider, about three gallons worth. We gave one gallon away to the people who gave us the apples. Some of the rest we will freeze in smaller containers. The rest we might just guzzle with delight. It is so good. Even though many of the apples were some yellow variety it is still quite good. The color is much lighter than usual. We really do not know what any of these apples are for sure. Most are not delicious, but that is good because I do not particularly like delicious apples.
We have enough apples left that we might make cider one more time if the weather is good about a week from now. Leroy thinks there will only be enough to get about one gallon, but I think there is more. We do want to keep plenty of apples to eat and I will want to make more small batches of applesauce.
I washed clothes today. The sheets looked like sails billowing in the wind. It was a perfect day. The only problem is that I did not take a walk today nor did I do any exercises. I suppose one day off is fine, but it is easy to let several days go.
I tutored again this morning. I am so sorry that I did not ask sooner. I have enjoyed it and I find that we discover more things to talk about as we are together longer. She brings papers that the school has sent home and we discuss what those papers are trying to tell her. Today I was thinking about what it would be like to be a non-reader even if you did speak English. So hard! Most of us are not thankful enough for the abilities that we have.
I was asked if I would sing a solo in church on Sunday as the background for a liturgical dance. I am scared about doing that. It is so hard since I almost never sing by myself. I am practicing, but it is harder when I have to accompany myself. I will have to spend some more time on it.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Making scones
I decided to make scones when we had company. After all, what better time to try a new recipe? I emailed son-in-law Stephen because he had made some scones that I liked. He sent me a recipe that did not use much milk; important since Leroy is lactose intolerant. It also used oatmeal and I liked that idea of adding to the nutritional value of the product. I even followed the recipe, except that I did not have any butter in the house and instead used olive oil. Since the butter was going in as a liquid I felt it would be fine to substitute. Also it seems that altering recipes is my great desire and challenge in life. We think the scones are quite good. I will probably make them again someday. Our guest seemed to like them as well.
We, as did many of you, had a brisk wind on Sunday. Now most of the leaves are off of the trees in our yard. I am happy to say that I do not see many on the ground so raking will not be a large chore. I do not know where these leaves are because I do not see them in the neighborhood, saving me from guilt. I did notice on my walk to the library that two older, but not decrepit women, were raking up a lot of leaves in their yard. I thought maybe I should help, but did not stop to do that. After all being outdoors and working is good for the soul. By the way, I read that old is about 15 years older than what you are, making it a moving target, always out there somewhere.
The church here is again interviewing a candidate for the pastor job. I did a little more straightening up so they can look at the house. I feel sad that my flowers froze, but that can’t be controlled.
Leroy still has not heard from any of the jobs for which he has applied, but we continue to feel that God is taking care of us. We have had to stay here to get copious amounts of apples, pears, zucchini, and cucumbers.
I decided to make scones when we had company. After all, what better time to try a new recipe? I emailed son-in-law Stephen because he had made some scones that I liked. He sent me a recipe that did not use much milk; important since Leroy is lactose intolerant. It also used oatmeal and I liked that idea of adding to the nutritional value of the product. I even followed the recipe, except that I did not have any butter in the house and instead used olive oil. Since the butter was going in as a liquid I felt it would be fine to substitute. Also it seems that altering recipes is my great desire and challenge in life. We think the scones are quite good. I will probably make them again someday. Our guest seemed to like them as well.
We, as did many of you, had a brisk wind on Sunday. Now most of the leaves are off of the trees in our yard. I am happy to say that I do not see many on the ground so raking will not be a large chore. I do not know where these leaves are because I do not see them in the neighborhood, saving me from guilt. I did notice on my walk to the library that two older, but not decrepit women, were raking up a lot of leaves in their yard. I thought maybe I should help, but did not stop to do that. After all being outdoors and working is good for the soul. By the way, I read that old is about 15 years older than what you are, making it a moving target, always out there somewhere.
The church here is again interviewing a candidate for the pastor job. I did a little more straightening up so they can look at the house. I feel sad that my flowers froze, but that can’t be controlled.
Leroy still has not heard from any of the jobs for which he has applied, but we continue to feel that God is taking care of us. We have had to stay here to get copious amounts of apples, pears, zucchini, and cucumbers.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I made a batch of applesauce in my soup pot. This will be plenty for us to eat as much as we would like at any time that we would like. I mixed some red and some yellow apples. It is quite good. This evening, someone gave me a grocery bag full of pears. They are quite big, green and hard. The woman did tell me that she cooked some of them and they were very tasty in spite of being so hard. I told Leroy that when we make cider again we should put in some pears. We have been so blessed.
I hung jeans out to dry this morning. I was quite pleased that they were dry by noon. I thought since it was so cold it mighty not dry very well, but there was enough wind and I think it is dry outside.
Tomorrow I will have to do something about all of the flowers that froze. I thought I might spade them into the ground so they can provide mulch for next year’s plants.
I thoroughly enjoyed our visit yesterday with the young pastor. This woman was between the ages of our oldest and second children. I think she was a little unsure about how it would be to visit us, but I believe she liked it too. I made spaghetti sauce with TVP (texturized vegetable protein) and she even knew what that was. She grew up on it. She has only been in the parish for about two months. I suspect she needed to see someone outside of the church and talk about some of the things that did not fit her idealistic picture of what a church should be. Leroy was sympathetic, but also laughed from the point of age and experience, as he said, "Welcome to the real world."
Our library is having a book sale. We have gotten quite a few books for ten cents a piece. Yesterday was the start of the bag for a $1 close out. Leroy and I went down as soon as it opened and hauled home a bag that was bursting. I kept telling Leroy it would tear and he would add one more. When our visitor came we knew that her town was smaller so we went back to the sale. She only got two books, but Leroy and I found about three more books and three videos to slip into the bag. Today I gave one of the books back to the sale as Leroy had finished it. They may as well try to sell it again.
I made a batch of applesauce in my soup pot. This will be plenty for us to eat as much as we would like at any time that we would like. I mixed some red and some yellow apples. It is quite good. This evening, someone gave me a grocery bag full of pears. They are quite big, green and hard. The woman did tell me that she cooked some of them and they were very tasty in spite of being so hard. I told Leroy that when we make cider again we should put in some pears. We have been so blessed.
I hung jeans out to dry this morning. I was quite pleased that they were dry by noon. I thought since it was so cold it mighty not dry very well, but there was enough wind and I think it is dry outside.
Tomorrow I will have to do something about all of the flowers that froze. I thought I might spade them into the ground so they can provide mulch for next year’s plants.
I thoroughly enjoyed our visit yesterday with the young pastor. This woman was between the ages of our oldest and second children. I think she was a little unsure about how it would be to visit us, but I believe she liked it too. I made spaghetti sauce with TVP (texturized vegetable protein) and she even knew what that was. She grew up on it. She has only been in the parish for about two months. I suspect she needed to see someone outside of the church and talk about some of the things that did not fit her idealistic picture of what a church should be. Leroy was sympathetic, but also laughed from the point of age and experience, as he said, "Welcome to the real world."
Our library is having a book sale. We have gotten quite a few books for ten cents a piece. Yesterday was the start of the bag for a $1 close out. Leroy and I went down as soon as it opened and hauled home a bag that was bursting. I kept telling Leroy it would tear and he would add one more. When our visitor came we knew that her town was smaller so we went back to the sale. She only got two books, but Leroy and I found about three more books and three videos to slip into the bag. Today I gave one of the books back to the sale as Leroy had finished it. They may as well try to sell it again.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Vinegar and bread
I bought a short book on vinegar published in 1995. It only costs a quarter and has already entertained me twenty-five cents worth. My favorite suggestion is how to get rid of corns and calluses. I think I have a callus over the corn on my little toe. I have consulted my daughter-in-law, Jen because she has played soccer for many years and thus has calluses on her feet that have become painful at times. Or maybe it is all the time painful. Anyway she suggested that I soak the offending foot and then use a pumice stone. That helped some, but I suppose one soak is not enough for cure.
I now have a new possibility. This book tells me, "Corns and calluses will fall away, overnight, if you treat them with a vinegar compress. Simply tape ½ a slice of stale bread (which has been soaked with apple cider vinegar) to the offending lump. By morning the skin will look smooth and new." The Vinegar Book
I have visions of the bread being all over the bed by morning. Leroy’s question was, "Do you think it has to be store bread?" We only have homemade bread in the house. Perhaps I could borrow some that I would never return. Since it is my little toe I could use just an eighth of a slice I am sure. Perhaps I would need to put a plastic bag over my foot to keep this bread contained.
I can now give you the cure for just about anything. I suspect some of it will even work. People have been benefiting from vinegar for centuries.
My Thanksgiving cactus is putting on buds so we can look forward to blossoms in November. The other two cacti are just looking green and good.
We are expecting company this afternoon. She is a pastor in a neighboring town. She had wanted to ride bikes with us, but we will not do that, as it is only 37 F. degrees. I was afraid that she would want to ride anyway and how could we admit to being such old whimps. Luckily she called and said that she would still like to come, but not to ride. Yes!
I did hang out most of a load of clothes. I have to confess that I did not do the socks and some other smaller items outside. I only put up one section of our makeshift clothesline. That gave me the courage to stop. My hands were cold.
I bought a short book on vinegar published in 1995. It only costs a quarter and has already entertained me twenty-five cents worth. My favorite suggestion is how to get rid of corns and calluses. I think I have a callus over the corn on my little toe. I have consulted my daughter-in-law, Jen because she has played soccer for many years and thus has calluses on her feet that have become painful at times. Or maybe it is all the time painful. Anyway she suggested that I soak the offending foot and then use a pumice stone. That helped some, but I suppose one soak is not enough for cure.
I now have a new possibility. This book tells me, "Corns and calluses will fall away, overnight, if you treat them with a vinegar compress. Simply tape ½ a slice of stale bread (which has been soaked with apple cider vinegar) to the offending lump. By morning the skin will look smooth and new." The Vinegar Book
I have visions of the bread being all over the bed by morning. Leroy’s question was, "Do you think it has to be store bread?" We only have homemade bread in the house. Perhaps I could borrow some that I would never return. Since it is my little toe I could use just an eighth of a slice I am sure. Perhaps I would need to put a plastic bag over my foot to keep this bread contained.
I can now give you the cure for just about anything. I suspect some of it will even work. People have been benefiting from vinegar for centuries.
My Thanksgiving cactus is putting on buds so we can look forward to blossoms in November. The other two cacti are just looking green and good.
We are expecting company this afternoon. She is a pastor in a neighboring town. She had wanted to ride bikes with us, but we will not do that, as it is only 37 F. degrees. I was afraid that she would want to ride anyway and how could we admit to being such old whimps. Luckily she called and said that she would still like to come, but not to ride. Yes!
I did hang out most of a load of clothes. I have to confess that I did not do the socks and some other smaller items outside. I only put up one section of our makeshift clothesline. That gave me the courage to stop. My hands were cold.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Comforter Tales Continued
A couple nights ago, Leroy said as he marched around to my side of the bed, "I am going to make sure that you start out with enough cover."
He then proceeded to give me a generous portion of the comforter and the blanket beneath. I have to confess that in the middle of the night I woke up with more than my share of the covers. They were hanging down over the side almost to the floor. Because of the weight it was difficult to turn over let alone try to push them over to Leroy. I guess I can not complain from now on I must just grab a hold and pull to get back my share.
I am a little ticked because the battery cover came off the pedometer when I was carrying a heavy load against it. Leroy suggested, "Cover it with tape." The cover is bright blue so I could put it back on, but I still might resort to the tape. But for now, I just decided to try to remember to take it off when I am doing such tasks. This is now my third pedometer. Is there no perfect one that will last a long time? Two of the three have been free so I should not complain about that either.
Faith had been restored in the younger generation. The family that lost their house in a fire is picking out very practical things. They are also not "greedy", but only get what they need on a daily or weekly basis. Many of the women have commented on how they are carefully purchasing items that are on sale. Makes them feel that the world will be in steady hands when we leave the earth.
The other day when Leroy and I walked to the store we saw three deer across the street in an open lot area. They did not pay any attention to the cars going by but they seemed to be keeping a wary eye on us. Guess we look threatening.
A couple nights ago, Leroy said as he marched around to my side of the bed, "I am going to make sure that you start out with enough cover."
He then proceeded to give me a generous portion of the comforter and the blanket beneath. I have to confess that in the middle of the night I woke up with more than my share of the covers. They were hanging down over the side almost to the floor. Because of the weight it was difficult to turn over let alone try to push them over to Leroy. I guess I can not complain from now on I must just grab a hold and pull to get back my share.
I am a little ticked because the battery cover came off the pedometer when I was carrying a heavy load against it. Leroy suggested, "Cover it with tape." The cover is bright blue so I could put it back on, but I still might resort to the tape. But for now, I just decided to try to remember to take it off when I am doing such tasks. This is now my third pedometer. Is there no perfect one that will last a long time? Two of the three have been free so I should not complain about that either.
Faith had been restored in the younger generation. The family that lost their house in a fire is picking out very practical things. They are also not "greedy", but only get what they need on a daily or weekly basis. Many of the women have commented on how they are carefully purchasing items that are on sale. Makes them feel that the world will be in steady hands when we leave the earth.
The other day when Leroy and I walked to the store we saw three deer across the street in an open lot area. They did not pay any attention to the cars going by but they seemed to be keeping a wary eye on us. Guess we look threatening.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Random Thoughts
I went to Des Moines with some other women to buy replacement items for a family that had a fire in their home. On the way one of the women commented, "Paula makes us all feel guilty." I thought she might be talking about the fact that I walk so many places and most don’t do that. Instead she added, "She has such faith. She does not know where she will be living or what they will be doing and she just keeps going with such confidence and a smile."
I must confess that I did not know what to say to that. I do not want people to feel guilty, but I can not control their reactions. I do believe that how we live our lives does create an impression on people. I did finally make some remark about how some days are easier than others are. In other words it may look like we have it all together, but that is not always the case.
I went to garage sales today. I was so pleased to find two pairs of jeans in Leroy’s size and they were in fairly good shape. They both were marked $1.50. Since one was more faded than the other, I wondered if they would take a dollar for it. After going to other sales I went home were I looked at the jeans and thought that I had only given her $2.50 and one pair cost that and the other was just $1.50. I was embarrassed that I had not given her enough money. Even though it was cool I got out my bike. Earlier I had walked around, but it was easily more than a mile. Since I did not want to walk back that longer distance again I braved the wind on my bike. I tried to argue with her that I owed her more money. She, luckily, had kept her stickers and she showed me that it was just $1.50 and $1.00. I guess my short-term memory is just plain shot and no longer to be relied upon for anything of any significance.
When Leroy tried on the jeans he said they fit very well. He did say, "They smell like smoke. We need to wash them."
His "round home" pair of jeans has a hole in the knee. It is now retired. He had two other that were considered good, but one of them will now be the round home pair because the new ones fit him better and look better. He went from having only two good pair of jeans to having three. What luxury!
Gas in town this morning is $2.17 per gallon. Amazing! Too bad we are not driving to Utah now.
I went to Des Moines with some other women to buy replacement items for a family that had a fire in their home. On the way one of the women commented, "Paula makes us all feel guilty." I thought she might be talking about the fact that I walk so many places and most don’t do that. Instead she added, "She has such faith. She does not know where she will be living or what they will be doing and she just keeps going with such confidence and a smile."
I must confess that I did not know what to say to that. I do not want people to feel guilty, but I can not control their reactions. I do believe that how we live our lives does create an impression on people. I did finally make some remark about how some days are easier than others are. In other words it may look like we have it all together, but that is not always the case.
I went to garage sales today. I was so pleased to find two pairs of jeans in Leroy’s size and they were in fairly good shape. They both were marked $1.50. Since one was more faded than the other, I wondered if they would take a dollar for it. After going to other sales I went home were I looked at the jeans and thought that I had only given her $2.50 and one pair cost that and the other was just $1.50. I was embarrassed that I had not given her enough money. Even though it was cool I got out my bike. Earlier I had walked around, but it was easily more than a mile. Since I did not want to walk back that longer distance again I braved the wind on my bike. I tried to argue with her that I owed her more money. She, luckily, had kept her stickers and she showed me that it was just $1.50 and $1.00. I guess my short-term memory is just plain shot and no longer to be relied upon for anything of any significance.
When Leroy tried on the jeans he said they fit very well. He did say, "They smell like smoke. We need to wash them."
His "round home" pair of jeans has a hole in the knee. It is now retired. He had two other that were considered good, but one of them will now be the round home pair because the new ones fit him better and look better. He went from having only two good pair of jeans to having three. What luxury!
Gas in town this morning is $2.17 per gallon. Amazing! Too bad we are not driving to Utah now.
Friday, October 24, 2008
New Pedometer

Leroy went to a church meeting where there were some give-away items promoting health. He brought home a new pedometer that I immediately latched onto. Then I found out that he had intended to buy me a new "good" one and keep this one for himself. I have gotten this one all set up and I think I like it quite well. It clips shut so I can not accidentally change the setting. It also includes the time and I like that. I have stopped wearing my old one because the steps kept changing either because I pushed on it when I bent over or because it is malfunctioning. I will have to say that I do walk more when I am wearing a pedometer. It keeps reminding me of the number of steps I have taken.
Today I have done fairly well even though we did not walk in the morning. I am not sure why, but we do not seem to get that done any more. We no longer get up at 5:30. Then Leroy has a series of exercises that he likes, I guess he likes. While he is doing that I like to write in my journal first thing. It is a type of stream of consciousness writing and it seems to flow mostly in the morning. As the day goes on I am too much in control for that type of writing.
I walked to the grocery store that is a little over a mile from our house. While there I bought, because they were on sale, 18 eggs, four pounds of sugar, a pound of cheese, and 3.88 ounces of cinnamon. This did not seem like very much until I was half way home and then it started to get heavy. The weight was not on the eggs, but large eggs do weigh a bit. I can not help but wonder if I would have noticed the weight so much when we lived in Slovakia and I was used to carrying weight around.
Then in the afternoon I found out that my glasses had come. So I walked downtown. That is a little under a mile one way.
I am not sure that I like the glasses, but Leroy thinks they look good. At any rate I only wear them at the computer or the organ. I have included a picture.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
I have decided to start a file of compliments that people have given me. I just got one from one of the students in Slovakia. I did not know her very well and maybe that is what made it so special. She talked about how she liked to come into the library and hear my beautiful laugh. That was also a new compliment for me. I have never thought much about my laugh. I would have this file so that on the down days in my life I can retrieve them and help to turn the low into a positive if not even a high. I remember reading that when Abe Lincoln died he had a compliment in his pocket from years earlier. I think he was a smart man. If he were still alive I would email him that compliment.
Something else I think I should do is to start an exchange of plastic lids and containers. Somehow I seem to have about three lids that do not match any of my containers and then I have an equal number of containers that have no lids. It is almost as bad as the unmated socks that turn up from time to time.
I was amazed to see that gas has gone down to $2.29 per gallon in Chariton. For sure it is cheaper in Des Moines. Course I was all excited when I filled the car at $2.49 just a week ago. Since we do not drive the cars much it will be a while before we need any more gas. By then it could be much higher than what it was when I purchased it. Such a moving target! Mostly I just say we need to buy gas and do it without so much thought.
We have had a lot of wind and in my heart of hearts I am hoping that all of the leaves will be blown out of our yard and into the neighbor’s yard or the street. And you thought I was a nice person. Many leaves have traveled somewhere far away since I no longer see them. Our neighbor must not have sticky grass.
I have decided to start a file of compliments that people have given me. I just got one from one of the students in Slovakia. I did not know her very well and maybe that is what made it so special. She talked about how she liked to come into the library and hear my beautiful laugh. That was also a new compliment for me. I have never thought much about my laugh. I would have this file so that on the down days in my life I can retrieve them and help to turn the low into a positive if not even a high. I remember reading that when Abe Lincoln died he had a compliment in his pocket from years earlier. I think he was a smart man. If he were still alive I would email him that compliment.
Something else I think I should do is to start an exchange of plastic lids and containers. Somehow I seem to have about three lids that do not match any of my containers and then I have an equal number of containers that have no lids. It is almost as bad as the unmated socks that turn up from time to time.
I was amazed to see that gas has gone down to $2.29 per gallon in Chariton. For sure it is cheaper in Des Moines. Course I was all excited when I filled the car at $2.49 just a week ago. Since we do not drive the cars much it will be a while before we need any more gas. By then it could be much higher than what it was when I purchased it. Such a moving target! Mostly I just say we need to buy gas and do it without so much thought.
We have had a lot of wind and in my heart of hearts I am hoping that all of the leaves will be blown out of our yard and into the neighbor’s yard or the street. And you thought I was a nice person. Many leaves have traveled somewhere far away since I no longer see them. Our neighbor must not have sticky grass.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Hazards of Cleaning
I am not sure why, but I have stopped being very regular about cleaning. The house looks ok most of the time because I can not tolerate much clutter. Dirt now, that seems to be a different matter. Maybe it is because this house is so big. After all I have not had to deal with more than a one bedroom place for four years. Then in Des Moines it was just two bedrooms and all the rooms were fairly small so I think it was about the same size as our one bedroom apartment in Slovakia.
I believe in dusting before I vacuum. Consequently I started by dusting the living room/dining room, but before I got done I remembered that I had not brushed my teeth and prepared my face for the day. I guess it is good to have Leroy around to keep me on a schedule. When in the bathroom I realized that I should clean the sinks. The next thing I noticed was that I should do the bathtub since I had the cleaning things out. "Look at that screw," I thought, "I wonder if it comes out so I can clean out the drain a bit more. It has been quite slow."
I had to search for a screwdriver. Leroy did put things away in the right place so that was easy. I got the plate off, but had to find something to extract the hair that was tangled around the bracket. I tried a tweezers and shortly turned to the screwdriver which worked just fine.
Then it was back to the living room to finish dusting. I now started moving furniture around so I could vacuum behind it. When I moved the chairs out to the kitchen I realized that I should clean off the top of the frig since I had a chair handy to stand on. It had been a while so it took a bit of effort to get that clean. I went back and vacuumed half of the room when I noticed that it was snack time and I was hungry. I must stop to eat since I believe in snacks. While eating I worked on one Sudoku puzzle and then another one because the first went so quickly.
I forgot to mention that I also had to tend to some plants when I moved them. Then I got sidetracked in the garage looking for the little saucers that go under the plants.
I did finish vacuuming before lunch, but it was a miracle.
When Brian was little he told someone, "My mother likes to clean."
I decided that I should not act so happy while cleaning. I did try to make it seem like something good to do in the hopes that my children would do their chores without complaining and it mostly worked.
I am not sure why, but I have stopped being very regular about cleaning. The house looks ok most of the time because I can not tolerate much clutter. Dirt now, that seems to be a different matter. Maybe it is because this house is so big. After all I have not had to deal with more than a one bedroom place for four years. Then in Des Moines it was just two bedrooms and all the rooms were fairly small so I think it was about the same size as our one bedroom apartment in Slovakia.
I believe in dusting before I vacuum. Consequently I started by dusting the living room/dining room, but before I got done I remembered that I had not brushed my teeth and prepared my face for the day. I guess it is good to have Leroy around to keep me on a schedule. When in the bathroom I realized that I should clean the sinks. The next thing I noticed was that I should do the bathtub since I had the cleaning things out. "Look at that screw," I thought, "I wonder if it comes out so I can clean out the drain a bit more. It has been quite slow."
I had to search for a screwdriver. Leroy did put things away in the right place so that was easy. I got the plate off, but had to find something to extract the hair that was tangled around the bracket. I tried a tweezers and shortly turned to the screwdriver which worked just fine.
Then it was back to the living room to finish dusting. I now started moving furniture around so I could vacuum behind it. When I moved the chairs out to the kitchen I realized that I should clean off the top of the frig since I had a chair handy to stand on. It had been a while so it took a bit of effort to get that clean. I went back and vacuumed half of the room when I noticed that it was snack time and I was hungry. I must stop to eat since I believe in snacks. While eating I worked on one Sudoku puzzle and then another one because the first went so quickly.
I forgot to mention that I also had to tend to some plants when I moved them. Then I got sidetracked in the garage looking for the little saucers that go under the plants.
I did finish vacuuming before lunch, but it was a miracle.
When Brian was little he told someone, "My mother likes to clean."
I decided that I should not act so happy while cleaning. I did try to make it seem like something good to do in the hopes that my children would do their chores without complaining and it mostly worked.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Home Alone
Leroy is off to a professional leaders conference so I am home alone. Spouses could go along if they like, but I have never done so. I figure that they can get along without me. I might be a bit lonely here, but it is only until Tuesday. I am used to being alone a lot on Sundays and Tuesdays too since Leroy is often gone all day and sometimes just comes home for meals. Now tomorrow might get a little long, but I do have some tasks lined up. I have not dusted in the living room for a long time and then I would have to vacuum too. So that will take some time. Then I need to go renew the car license. That means a walk downtown and while there I will go to the library since it is only a block away. I will look for more children’s books to share with my Russian friend.
This morning one person gave Leroy a nice compliment in adult Sunday school class. They talked about how much they like the Bible study that he does on the lessons for the next Sunday. I will have to say that I probably get more out of the sermon since I know more when I hear it. So the study is of benefit to me too.
It is nice to have someone talk about you when you are absent if they say good things. We should do more of that.
Leroy and I made the fifth batch of applesauce yesterday. I think that will be all since I have run out of jars. My neighbor said I could have more, but for now that will be all. I am pleased to have this much it is way beyond my expectation. We will make one more batch of cider and I think that will be the end of that. We have some apples that we will keep around to eat for the sheer enjoyment of eating them. I may up my quota to three a day. I remember doing that in the past during apple season. I would eat one in the morning and one in the afternoon and one with a meal as dessert.
Leroy is off to a professional leaders conference so I am home alone. Spouses could go along if they like, but I have never done so. I figure that they can get along without me. I might be a bit lonely here, but it is only until Tuesday. I am used to being alone a lot on Sundays and Tuesdays too since Leroy is often gone all day and sometimes just comes home for meals. Now tomorrow might get a little long, but I do have some tasks lined up. I have not dusted in the living room for a long time and then I would have to vacuum too. So that will take some time. Then I need to go renew the car license. That means a walk downtown and while there I will go to the library since it is only a block away. I will look for more children’s books to share with my Russian friend.
This morning one person gave Leroy a nice compliment in adult Sunday school class. They talked about how much they like the Bible study that he does on the lessons for the next Sunday. I will have to say that I probably get more out of the sermon since I know more when I hear it. So the study is of benefit to me too.
It is nice to have someone talk about you when you are absent if they say good things. We should do more of that.
Leroy and I made the fifth batch of applesauce yesterday. I think that will be all since I have run out of jars. My neighbor said I could have more, but for now that will be all. I am pleased to have this much it is way beyond my expectation. We will make one more batch of cider and I think that will be the end of that. We have some apples that we will keep around to eat for the sheer enjoyment of eating them. I may up my quota to three a day. I remember doing that in the past during apple season. I would eat one in the morning and one in the afternoon and one with a meal as dessert.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Comforter Struggles
Last night, I was in bed before Leroy. Now that is quite amazing because I have more things to do to get ready for bed. Some of which involve the care of teeth. Leroy does not floss! Or he probably would say, "I do sometimes." I could change that "not" to rarely in deference to the occasional floss experience for Leroy. So that takes some more time for me. Then he just lightly swipes the brush over his teeth. I, on the other hand, put in the full two minutes that the electric brush runs. I follow that with another small brush I call a "Christmas Tree" that goes between my teeth. Finally I rinse, hoping to ward off any parasites who might want to grow in my mouth.
Then I have to "remove" my face each night. Leroy believes that his face is fine the way it is. Consequently I am usually last in the bed, but that is ok on these cooler nights because he gets the bed warm before I get there.
Last night I got there first because something was bugging me between my teeth so I took care of these nightly duties early. Leroy came into the bedroom and said, "I think we should get out the comforter."
"I agree if you will go get it," I said, "I don’t want to get out of bed."
Leroy then got the comforter and put it on. Now I did not notice until in the middle of the night that the comforter just came to the edge of the bed on my side. After unsuccessfully trying to pull it more to my side I had to sleep carefully the rest of the night so I was not open to the elements.
When I mentioned it this morning Leroy said, "I wish you would have taken some of it because I had to fight the comforter all night."
"What do you mean fight?" I wanted to know, "I think I had the worst position with little cover."
"It was so much around me that I found it difficult to move," he moaned as he pointed out the comforter almost touching the floor on his side of the bed.
It was hard for me to gather up a minuscule amount of sympathy for him. At least he was warm.
Last night, I was in bed before Leroy. Now that is quite amazing because I have more things to do to get ready for bed. Some of which involve the care of teeth. Leroy does not floss! Or he probably would say, "I do sometimes." I could change that "not" to rarely in deference to the occasional floss experience for Leroy. So that takes some more time for me. Then he just lightly swipes the brush over his teeth. I, on the other hand, put in the full two minutes that the electric brush runs. I follow that with another small brush I call a "Christmas Tree" that goes between my teeth. Finally I rinse, hoping to ward off any parasites who might want to grow in my mouth.
Then I have to "remove" my face each night. Leroy believes that his face is fine the way it is. Consequently I am usually last in the bed, but that is ok on these cooler nights because he gets the bed warm before I get there.
Last night I got there first because something was bugging me between my teeth so I took care of these nightly duties early. Leroy came into the bedroom and said, "I think we should get out the comforter."
"I agree if you will go get it," I said, "I don’t want to get out of bed."
Leroy then got the comforter and put it on. Now I did not notice until in the middle of the night that the comforter just came to the edge of the bed on my side. After unsuccessfully trying to pull it more to my side I had to sleep carefully the rest of the night so I was not open to the elements.
When I mentioned it this morning Leroy said, "I wish you would have taken some of it because I had to fight the comforter all night."
"What do you mean fight?" I wanted to know, "I think I had the worst position with little cover."
"It was so much around me that I found it difficult to move," he moaned as he pointed out the comforter almost touching the floor on his side of the bed.
It was hard for me to gather up a minuscule amount of sympathy for him. At least he was warm.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Airplane plant descends
"Look at this plant," I told Leroy, "I don’t think I can live with it up there and it will not get enough light."
"We have an old macramé hanger downstairs in my work room," Leroy said, "We could use that."
"Good heavens!" I exclaimed, "We kept something like that, stored it and moved it?"
"Yes I saw it just the other day," Leroy assured me.
So after thinking about it for a half a day I went and got this hanger that I had made while Leroy was in Seminary. I am astonished to think that it survived and is still usable. I am a little ashamed to think that we did not get rid of it long ago. I thought we had lightened the material load to the bare necessities. So much for that self-concept of lean living. It must be some other person.
Well I am pleased with how that plant looks now. It is not such a highflying airplane plant. I will enjoy it all winter. A friend gave me a potted rosemary plant from her garden along with some basil leaves that we dried. Heavenly smells!
I picked off some of the coleus so I can enjoy them for a while in the house. If they do really well I might put them in a pot too. For now they are just living in a jar of water. I am using some of the blue canning jars that did not have smooth tops.
It is now quite cool outside so we think there could be frost. For sure it will be in the low places.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I had a great hour this morning. I hope that Tatyana did also. She brought a book with her so that gave us a place to start. The book was published in Britain with their pronunciation of words, but we will figure that out. In spite of having lived in the US for a number of years her English is quite limited. As with all people I would say that she understands a lot more than she can say. I have a children’s book by Nancy Carlson with just a sentence or two on each page and a picture that illustrates the thought. I read that to her and we discussed anything she did not understand.
I feel that I can help her. I am sorry that I did not ask a long time ago. I was a bit afraid of insulting her. But I also understand that frustration of not being able to speak easily with the natives. Tatyana is also a bit shy. It makes a difference too that there are so many people from Ukraine living in town so she can speak Russian with them.
I was going to put up some pictures yesterday so you could see what it was like when I hung up the plant in the kitchen. However, the camera battery needed to be charged just as I started. Today I got the pictures uploaded first to the computer and then to the web. My neck hurts. It all goes fairly fast, but I want it to go even faster. I want a secretary to do it for me.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Small Town
One of the facts about living in a small town that has a newspaper is that sooner or later your picture will be in the paper. And several people will comment that they have seen it. Leroy and I walked in the CROP walk. We were in the group picture and then there was a shot of us walking along the road with another woman. We all looked brisk and breezy.
We have pictures of our oldest daughter from the newspaper when she was a preschooler at the library. The other children did not get photographed for the paper before we moved to a smaller town that had no paper. Even though I know that many people from a city will look at a small town newspaper and slightly turn up their noses, it was a great way to get information out to the community. It was also a bit exciting to see our pictures there. After all not everyone can say that their picture has been in the paper.
I went over and asked my Russian neighbor if she would like to come to my house and we will speak Engish for an hour. She will come, but her husband wants to come too. I really would rather have just her. I believe if he comes he will do most of the talking and not give her a chance. She is the one who needs more help. Tomorrow we will see what happens.
It is colder here today. I brought in the hanging houseplant that my neighbor gave me. Now I realize that it hangs too close to the ceiling and I am not sure what to do about it.
Leroy stayed home this afternoon to help me make more applesauce. He commented, "We are getting better at this. It did not take so much time."
One of the facts about living in a small town that has a newspaper is that sooner or later your picture will be in the paper. And several people will comment that they have seen it. Leroy and I walked in the CROP walk. We were in the group picture and then there was a shot of us walking along the road with another woman. We all looked brisk and breezy.
We have pictures of our oldest daughter from the newspaper when she was a preschooler at the library. The other children did not get photographed for the paper before we moved to a smaller town that had no paper. Even though I know that many people from a city will look at a small town newspaper and slightly turn up their noses, it was a great way to get information out to the community. It was also a bit exciting to see our pictures there. After all not everyone can say that their picture has been in the paper.
I went over and asked my Russian neighbor if she would like to come to my house and we will speak Engish for an hour. She will come, but her husband wants to come too. I really would rather have just her. I believe if he comes he will do most of the talking and not give her a chance. She is the one who needs more help. Tomorrow we will see what happens.
It is colder here today. I brought in the hanging houseplant that my neighbor gave me. Now I realize that it hangs too close to the ceiling and I am not sure what to do about it.
Leroy stayed home this afternoon to help me make more applesauce. He commented, "We are getting better at this. It did not take so much time."
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Snow in Utah
Miriam said that their cars had snow on them. So snow was a bit more widespread than just in the mountains. We are cool here, but snow should be a while yet. I still have three houseplants outside. I also want to take some cuttings from the coleus.
I hung out clothes today and they all got dry, but it took them quite a long time. I suppose my clothes line days are numbered. So I must enjoy my time out there.
Yesterday when we made cider two bees came and visited. One of them accidentally came in the house with me, or maybe it was on purpose. I saw it on the edge of the strainer. I tapped the strainer a little so I could knock any cider that was clinging to it. My plan was to then walk over the door and let the bee out. The tapping stirred the bee up and away. We have not seen it since. I keep thinking that I might sit on it and get stung on my delicate bottom, but so far my bottom is unassaulted.
Yesterday just as we were cleaning up from making cider, some school kids stopped and asked what we were doing. They would have liked to see the press in operation. As a consolation I gave them a cup of cider. They declared it to be delicious.
Brian was getting rid of a rain gauge. I brought it home and tied it to the clothesline pole. Today, I was excited to see a little over one fourth of an inch of rain in there. Leroy had told me that was not a good place to put it since it is under the trees. Before this we could simply say, "A lot, some, not much" about the amount of rain that has fallen. I am pleased it worked since it was the only place that I could figure out. Now I can say a little more that what it actually registers.
Miriam said that their cars had snow on them. So snow was a bit more widespread than just in the mountains. We are cool here, but snow should be a while yet. I still have three houseplants outside. I also want to take some cuttings from the coleus.
I hung out clothes today and they all got dry, but it took them quite a long time. I suppose my clothes line days are numbered. So I must enjoy my time out there.
Yesterday when we made cider two bees came and visited. One of them accidentally came in the house with me, or maybe it was on purpose. I saw it on the edge of the strainer. I tapped the strainer a little so I could knock any cider that was clinging to it. My plan was to then walk over the door and let the bee out. The tapping stirred the bee up and away. We have not seen it since. I keep thinking that I might sit on it and get stung on my delicate bottom, but so far my bottom is unassaulted.
Yesterday just as we were cleaning up from making cider, some school kids stopped and asked what we were doing. They would have liked to see the press in operation. As a consolation I gave them a cup of cider. They declared it to be delicious.
Brian was getting rid of a rain gauge. I brought it home and tied it to the clothesline pole. Today, I was excited to see a little over one fourth of an inch of rain in there. Leroy had told me that was not a good place to put it since it is under the trees. Before this we could simply say, "A lot, some, not much" about the amount of rain that has fallen. I am pleased it worked since it was the only place that I could figure out. Now I can say a little more that what it actually registers.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Leroy's day off
As usual Leroy and I did a lot of work on his day off. He went to men’s bible study early in the morning. He is impressed with how many men come to this study on a regular basis.
While he was gone I walked for about a mile and a half. Then I had breakfast and washed rugs. I was trying to get them dry outside before the predicted rains fell. I was almost successful.
Then I vacuumed up the flies in the laundry room, vacuumed up the rest of the basement, and vacuumed the kitchen floor.
Next we went to pick herbs from someone’s garden, stopped at the library, and admired the trees in their fall glory.
In the afternoon we made four-five gallons of cider, cleaned up from that, and delivered cider around town to various people. It is such fun to give something way.
We did put two gallons in the church freezer since it has not much in it and it is bigger than ours is. We have almost half a gallon left for us to enjoy as it is fresh.
We think this is some of the best cider that we have ever made. These apples are just about perfect, sweet, juicy and firm.
Miriam says there has been snow in the Utah mountains so we know that winter is on the way.
I will miss the flowers when the frost puts an end to their year. I have been incredibly blessed with color and delight.
As usual Leroy and I did a lot of work on his day off. He went to men’s bible study early in the morning. He is impressed with how many men come to this study on a regular basis.
While he was gone I walked for about a mile and a half. Then I had breakfast and washed rugs. I was trying to get them dry outside before the predicted rains fell. I was almost successful.
Then I vacuumed up the flies in the laundry room, vacuumed up the rest of the basement, and vacuumed the kitchen floor.
Next we went to pick herbs from someone’s garden, stopped at the library, and admired the trees in their fall glory.
In the afternoon we made four-five gallons of cider, cleaned up from that, and delivered cider around town to various people. It is such fun to give something way.
We did put two gallons in the church freezer since it has not much in it and it is bigger than ours is. We have almost half a gallon left for us to enjoy as it is fresh.
We think this is some of the best cider that we have ever made. These apples are just about perfect, sweet, juicy and firm.
Miriam says there has been snow in the Utah mountains so we know that winter is on the way.
I will miss the flowers when the frost puts an end to their year. I have been incredibly blessed with color and delight.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Webcam Sunday School
The adult Sunday school had as their visitor, Stephen Padre (my son-in-law) from Kenya. Unfortunately the connection was slow so we ended up doing instant message. It was great that they did get to see his face for a short while. Once in a while they could hear him, but much of the time his words were garbled. At least he is a fast at keyboarding.
I was pleased that the technology worked at all. Stephen did a fantastic job of getting his message across to all of us. I think it helps people to know someone personally who is somehow connected to the situations out in the world. Who knows how one little kernel of information will affect someone down the road of life?
I was pleased to see so many people come to this particular class so I think that is good too that additional people could hear it as well.
Yesterday I called Martha, "Can I pick some more apples?"
"You sure can," she replied, "When do you want to go? Now?"
"That sounds good to me," I responded.
This vigorous 83-year-old can haul full five-gallon buckets with the best of them. I hope I have that kind of energy even next year.
I am so excited because I now have such a great supply of apples. We must make some more delicious cider. I think I will have to share most of it since we do not have a freezer, but that is fine it seems terrible to let these great juicy apples rot away in the field. Some of the apples are so big that I do not think I have ever picked bigger. What a lovely gift! I will make more apple crisp and applesauce too.
We are wallowing in goodness.
The adult Sunday school had as their visitor, Stephen Padre (my son-in-law) from Kenya. Unfortunately the connection was slow so we ended up doing instant message. It was great that they did get to see his face for a short while. Once in a while they could hear him, but much of the time his words were garbled. At least he is a fast at keyboarding.
I was pleased that the technology worked at all. Stephen did a fantastic job of getting his message across to all of us. I think it helps people to know someone personally who is somehow connected to the situations out in the world. Who knows how one little kernel of information will affect someone down the road of life?
I was pleased to see so many people come to this particular class so I think that is good too that additional people could hear it as well.
Yesterday I called Martha, "Can I pick some more apples?"
"You sure can," she replied, "When do you want to go? Now?"
"That sounds good to me," I responded.
This vigorous 83-year-old can haul full five-gallon buckets with the best of them. I hope I have that kind of energy even next year.
I am so excited because I now have such a great supply of apples. We must make some more delicious cider. I think I will have to share most of it since we do not have a freezer, but that is fine it seems terrible to let these great juicy apples rot away in the field. Some of the apples are so big that I do not think I have ever picked bigger. What a lovely gift! I will make more apple crisp and applesauce too.
We are wallowing in goodness.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Sump Pump
"What is that motor running in the basement?" I wondered as I came in from outside.
When I checked I realized that it was the sump pump. I could not see it, but it was quite loud. I unplugged to an accompanying crackle of sparks. When Leroy came home he plugged it in, checked outside, added some water to the hole, and declared, "There is something wrong with it." Concurrence is a good thing even if there is no help in the offing.
Today a congregation member who had fixed my sprayer in the kitchen sink came to look at the front door that is a bit askew even if it is a new door. I seized the opportunity to have him look at the sump pump. It took him a while with pulling up the sump pump, adding a great deal of water to the hole, finding the proper tools, looking for a wire, and finally using a wire coat hanger. It seems to be fixed. He is not guaranteeing the work.
Leroy and I made yet another batch of applesauce this afternoon. Then we picked up some more walnuts. The two other people that we had given them to did not want any more. But we were happy to learn that our next door neighbor wants them. He is going to crack them and use the nutmeats. I am pleased that he will do that. We will give him all of those that are left.
Leroy was pleased because he got a new printer for church and it all was so easy to hook up. I had tried unsuccessfully to clean/fix the old one. Hurt my pride a little that I did not help, but I will get over it. Leroy also was pleased because he had been having some trouble with the computer network at church and he was finally able to solve those problems as well.
"What is that motor running in the basement?" I wondered as I came in from outside.
When I checked I realized that it was the sump pump. I could not see it, but it was quite loud. I unplugged to an accompanying crackle of sparks. When Leroy came home he plugged it in, checked outside, added some water to the hole, and declared, "There is something wrong with it." Concurrence is a good thing even if there is no help in the offing.
Today a congregation member who had fixed my sprayer in the kitchen sink came to look at the front door that is a bit askew even if it is a new door. I seized the opportunity to have him look at the sump pump. It took him a while with pulling up the sump pump, adding a great deal of water to the hole, finding the proper tools, looking for a wire, and finally using a wire coat hanger. It seems to be fixed. He is not guaranteeing the work.
Leroy and I made yet another batch of applesauce this afternoon. Then we picked up some more walnuts. The two other people that we had given them to did not want any more. But we were happy to learn that our next door neighbor wants them. He is going to crack them and use the nutmeats. I am pleased that he will do that. We will give him all of those that are left.
Leroy was pleased because he got a new printer for church and it all was so easy to hook up. I had tried unsuccessfully to clean/fix the old one. Hurt my pride a little that I did not help, but I will get over it. Leroy also was pleased because he had been having some trouble with the computer network at church and he was finally able to solve those problems as well.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
We quilted today, but it will be the last day for some time to come. Now various people will be sewing together the tops in their own homes. I will miss the comradery of the group, plus I like doing something that I feel is so worthwhile. My weeks will be a bit longer without that contact with others on a regular basis.
Leroy and I were blessed with more produce: zucchini, summer squash, peppers, and tomatoes. We are just munching away.
We are going to have an adult Sunday school class that will interact with son-in-law, Stephen. After a bit of a struggle we, mostly Leroy as my part consisted of moaning and groaning, got our year old webcam to work on Leroy’s laptop at church. It took a few days to accomplish this. Leroy and I both thought it would be almost seamless. Not so since he has updated software on the church computer. We can then feed the picture through the TV so all can see it. It is remarkable what is possible.
Now if they have electricity and the line is not too slow it should be good. Stephen had an article in the Lutheran magazine and we are using that as the basis of our discussion.
My neighbor across the street gave me some more canning jars as well as another houseplant. She offered more houseplants, but I thought I would be prudent and stop at one blooming airplane plant. I have had these plants in the past and enjoyed them. Moving plants is always fraught with a bit of risk.
We quilted today, but it will be the last day for some time to come. Now various people will be sewing together the tops in their own homes. I will miss the comradery of the group, plus I like doing something that I feel is so worthwhile. My weeks will be a bit longer without that contact with others on a regular basis.
Leroy and I were blessed with more produce: zucchini, summer squash, peppers, and tomatoes. We are just munching away.
We are going to have an adult Sunday school class that will interact with son-in-law, Stephen. After a bit of a struggle we, mostly Leroy as my part consisted of moaning and groaning, got our year old webcam to work on Leroy’s laptop at church. It took a few days to accomplish this. Leroy and I both thought it would be almost seamless. Not so since he has updated software on the church computer. We can then feed the picture through the TV so all can see it. It is remarkable what is possible.
Now if they have electricity and the line is not too slow it should be good. Stephen had an article in the Lutheran magazine and we are using that as the basis of our discussion.
My neighbor across the street gave me some more canning jars as well as another houseplant. She offered more houseplants, but I thought I would be prudent and stop at one blooming airplane plant. I have had these plants in the past and enjoyed them. Moving plants is always fraught with a bit of risk.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
More Applesauce
Leroy took the afternoon off since he is working quite late tonight. It was great because I had him help cut up apples for sauce. We do not peel them because we both like the rich red color the peels give the sauce and I hope that it adds more vitamins or some other food value.
We are now having a bit of an argument about whether we have enough apples to make another batch of cider. I still want to make one more batch of sauce and the rest would make just a small bit of cider. Then it becomes a question of, is it worth it to get out all of the equipment and wash it afterwards.
I also made a large apple crisp. We just live with such luxury.
I got my eyes examined this morning. It was a thorough exam or at least I hope it was. My eyes are healthy with cataracts just starting. My eyes are also dry and she recommended that I put drops in more frequently than I had been doing. I guess that is all an indication of age. Life just brings new experiences all of the time.
The other day Leroy said, "I do not like your organ/computer glasses. I think you should get some new ones." I have had them since 2002. I went ahead and got new really cute frames since they were half off just today. I am sure they will help my trophy wife status. When I get glasses I can not tell what I look like because I need my glasses to see. There were two women there who helped me. They had definite ideas about what looked good and what did not. They recommended two pair with different prices and I went ahead and chose the more expensive since they thought it did look better on me. If you can imagine the frame is black and blue. Black in the front and blue for the sides. They only cost me about $275. I did get anti-glare since that often bothers me.
The real shock at paying the bill was the cost of the exam. Leroy had his eyes examined just last spring in the same place and his exam cost $88. Mine, however, cost $219. Wow what a difference! I did tell her about the flashing light that I saw one Sunday in church so she must have given me some extra care. Leroy commented, "I think you just walk in and people think you are the expensive type." Oh well at least we have the money to pay this bill. Some people could not do that. Insurance will pay for most all of the exam she thought, but maybe not $30 so it is not all coming out of our pocket.
Leroy took the afternoon off since he is working quite late tonight. It was great because I had him help cut up apples for sauce. We do not peel them because we both like the rich red color the peels give the sauce and I hope that it adds more vitamins or some other food value.
We are now having a bit of an argument about whether we have enough apples to make another batch of cider. I still want to make one more batch of sauce and the rest would make just a small bit of cider. Then it becomes a question of, is it worth it to get out all of the equipment and wash it afterwards.
I also made a large apple crisp. We just live with such luxury.
I got my eyes examined this morning. It was a thorough exam or at least I hope it was. My eyes are healthy with cataracts just starting. My eyes are also dry and she recommended that I put drops in more frequently than I had been doing. I guess that is all an indication of age. Life just brings new experiences all of the time.
The other day Leroy said, "I do not like your organ/computer glasses. I think you should get some new ones." I have had them since 2002. I went ahead and got new really cute frames since they were half off just today. I am sure they will help my trophy wife status. When I get glasses I can not tell what I look like because I need my glasses to see. There were two women there who helped me. They had definite ideas about what looked good and what did not. They recommended two pair with different prices and I went ahead and chose the more expensive since they thought it did look better on me. If you can imagine the frame is black and blue. Black in the front and blue for the sides. They only cost me about $275. I did get anti-glare since that often bothers me.
The real shock at paying the bill was the cost of the exam. Leroy had his eyes examined just last spring in the same place and his exam cost $88. Mine, however, cost $219. Wow what a difference! I did tell her about the flashing light that I saw one Sunday in church so she must have given me some extra care. Leroy commented, "I think you just walk in and people think you are the expensive type." Oh well at least we have the money to pay this bill. Some people could not do that. Insurance will pay for most all of the exam she thought, but maybe not $30 so it is not all coming out of our pocket.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Home again
We had a great visit with Brian, Jen, and Sophia. All are well and Sophia had changed from when I saw here two weeks ago. She is crawling a lot, talking a lot, laughing at lot, and generally spending a lot of time exploring her world.
We were pleased to find cheap gas in the cities and then again in Iowa. Although part of me wonders if that will cause people to think it is ok to just burn fuel when they want.
"A deer! Deer! Stop! Stop!" I yelled as I saw the deer head coming up out of the ditch. The deer did not move very fast. Leroy slammed on the brakes, put in the clutch, and dimmed the lights. I could understand the first two, "Why did you dim the lights?" I wanted to know.
"I thought the bright lights might startle it more," he replied.
Leroy managed to stop about three feet from this animal. It looked at us and then just meandered off the road. "That is as close as I have ever come to hitting a deer," Leroy said weakly.
"It is so nice to get into town," I later commented, "so I can stop looking at the ditches."
Leroy strongly agreed with that statement as he loosened his grip on the wheel.
I can tell that we have been living here longer. I am busier than I used to be. I do not have as much time to write.
For example we returned some books to the library. When there I talked to three people. That would not have happened a year ago. Leroy was waiting rather impatiently by the door for me to quit talking and come walk with him.
The other day when I went to the grocery store I said, "Guess what? I saw four people I knew. We have been here a long time." Familiarity creates a feeling of belonging?
We had a great visit with Brian, Jen, and Sophia. All are well and Sophia had changed from when I saw here two weeks ago. She is crawling a lot, talking a lot, laughing at lot, and generally spending a lot of time exploring her world.
We were pleased to find cheap gas in the cities and then again in Iowa. Although part of me wonders if that will cause people to think it is ok to just burn fuel when they want.
"A deer! Deer! Stop! Stop!" I yelled as I saw the deer head coming up out of the ditch. The deer did not move very fast. Leroy slammed on the brakes, put in the clutch, and dimmed the lights. I could understand the first two, "Why did you dim the lights?" I wanted to know.
"I thought the bright lights might startle it more," he replied.
Leroy managed to stop about three feet from this animal. It looked at us and then just meandered off the road. "That is as close as I have ever come to hitting a deer," Leroy said weakly.
"It is so nice to get into town," I later commented, "so I can stop looking at the ditches."
Leroy strongly agreed with that statement as he loosened his grip on the wheel.
I can tell that we have been living here longer. I am busier than I used to be. I do not have as much time to write.
For example we returned some books to the library. When there I talked to three people. That would not have happened a year ago. Leroy was waiting rather impatiently by the door for me to quit talking and come walk with him.
The other day when I went to the grocery store I said, "Guess what? I saw four people I knew. We have been here a long time." Familiarity creates a feeling of belonging?
Thursday, October 2, 2008
I picked apples yesterday morning. We got a lot of apples and they are great apples. We canned a batch of applesauce. We both said, "It has been just too long. This is wonderful."
This afternoon we made some cider. It was good also. The apples were nice and juicy so it made a lot of cider.
My sister gave us a 29 pound watermelon so we are again well blessed with fruit. How rich we are!
This morning I went to a neighbor’s house and helped get set up for the fall garage sale. I thought there would not be so much stuff, but it was a full garage. It overwhelms me to have to deal with so many things. I finally had to concentrate on just one box and not look at anything else.
As one person said, "It is hard to believe there is a recession when there are so many clothes here that are not worn out. People just buy more because they are tired of the old."
Leroy and I will be heading to MN tomorrow to visit with Brian, Jen, and Sophia in the late afternoon and evening. Then in the morning we will go visit some of the former Slovak missionaries. It will be good to see these people again.
We are experiencing beautiful fall weather. Our nights are cool. I have three pairs of pj’s out. Some for warm weather, cool weather, and cold weather. Each of them has been worn only once or twice because we have such changeable temperatures. It is good to have all sorts of possibilities for the weather.
I picked apples yesterday morning. We got a lot of apples and they are great apples. We canned a batch of applesauce. We both said, "It has been just too long. This is wonderful."
This afternoon we made some cider. It was good also. The apples were nice and juicy so it made a lot of cider.
My sister gave us a 29 pound watermelon so we are again well blessed with fruit. How rich we are!
This morning I went to a neighbor’s house and helped get set up for the fall garage sale. I thought there would not be so much stuff, but it was a full garage. It overwhelms me to have to deal with so many things. I finally had to concentrate on just one box and not look at anything else.
As one person said, "It is hard to believe there is a recession when there are so many clothes here that are not worn out. People just buy more because they are tired of the old."
Leroy and I will be heading to MN tomorrow to visit with Brian, Jen, and Sophia in the late afternoon and evening. Then in the morning we will go visit some of the former Slovak missionaries. It will be good to see these people again.
We are experiencing beautiful fall weather. Our nights are cool. I have three pairs of pj’s out. Some for warm weather, cool weather, and cold weather. Each of them has been worn only once or twice because we have such changeable temperatures. It is good to have all sorts of possibilities for the weather.
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