Tuesday, March 4, 2025


Hello, Going through the car wash caused thoughts of trust to come to mind. It was the kind of wash where you put the car in neutral and ride through on the moving track as water and cleaner come down and obscure your view. It will bring us through to the other end with a clean car is what we trust in. I also think of how much I trust my car to work properly even though it is more than ten years old. This fall I will have owned it for ten years and it has required almost no maintenance, except usual things like an oil change. What a trust worthy vehicle! Today we got a letter from the dealer where we bought this car. They tell us that they would like to buy it above market value because they have a customer who is looking for this model. Do we sell? To be replaced or to own? Each day I trust that the appliances will work as they should, but of course sometimes this does not happen because something has broken. I might say I trust God, but for what? To do my will? To care for me? What does that mean when I know things do not always go well for many faithful people. Sometimes it seems that God is a good person to just visit with while trying to be patient enough to listen to the response. And then there is the trust in other people. I trust most to stay in their lane on the highway as well as in the store. Is a contract something to trust in since these days our government seems quite comfortable in breaking them. Will that spread around to many other places? Course I have been reading about the European settlers and their relationship with the first people with broken pacts much of the time. There is a history of this sort of thing. Paula I did not get this sent on the day I wrote it. I generally try to avoid political comments, but have added some today. Part of that is having a daughter who works for an organization that has had promised funds cut off for finished projects. Also, our favorite orchard says that the same thing has happened to them. And they have no way to pay for the finished work. How these things help our country I do not know.

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