Friday, March 7, 2025

Afternoon Out March 7, 2025 Hello, After snow and rain in the morning it seemed a nice time to take a trip to the history center where there is a special exhibit on Mercy Meical Center. It was interesting to see the artifacts as well as watch the film on dealing with the flood in 2008. I once read a book about the start of Mayo Clinic and the involvement of nuns who ran Mercy Hospital in Rochester MN. This hospital was also started my nuns in the order, Sisters of Mercy. Was that the same order? Care and concern for the whole person was a part of their mission. We had been to the museum before, but I did not remember much of what we had seen or perhaps some of the exhibits were updated. It was amazing to me to learn that the first electric car was made here in Cedar Rapids in 1904. Somehow oil took over and electric cars became a thing of the past only to reemerge in the future. How would the world be different if it had not happened?
Also, there is a big exhibit on national oats which is now Tree Top and close to our house.
When we were finished at the museum we walked to the library and I was able to pick up three items I had on hold. That was a nice walk and gave us a number of steps. I consider it a successful afternoon. Paula

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