Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Retirement Gifts

Hello, One very good thing about retirement is that when the weather is bad and driving might be unsafe, we can choose to stay home. Tomorrow morning might be that time. We go to chi gong about 12 miles away. If the snow and blowing snow are as predicted we will stay home. Instead, I will try to do some heart healthy moves at home. We also spend some time meditating. I have been reading many more books than I have in the past. I do not even feel guilty taking the time to do this. One negative is that I do not read as many nonfiction books since they do not come across my desk and look interesting. Instead, I have to seek them out. Yesterday afternoon, I was going to take a walk outside and get more steps, but the rain came before I got out there. So perhaps I can get more steps by marching indoors. I hope to walk to church tonight. It seems that most of the sidewalk if clear of the snow. I am also glad to have more time to volunteer. It helps me to feel that it is important thing to do. Gives me some purpose, sometimes in ways not expected. Another volunteer was telling me that her husband had died not long ago. It seemed to help her to talk about it. So that is volunteering an ear. Paula

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