Monday, February 3, 2025

Leroy’s Birthday

Hello, Leroy is now only a year younger than I am. Seems he is not good at catching up. He is the guy who seldom does impulsive things, but ponders it for a while. Because I have not been out and about much, we went and got his birthday present today. It is a new clock/radio for the bedroom. He has complained mightily about how difficult it is to reset the one we had. This new one also projects the time on the ceiling so I can see it without turning over and lifting my head to see over him. I felt a bit guilty, wondering if it is a gift for me too. We also bought a pizza for his birthday even though we both prefer the homemade variety. An apple pie and ice cream completed the birthday specials. He did do the dishes even though I told him I could do that. I will admit to being tired after shopping. Sitting around with a foot up wears me out. Certainly, it does not build muscle and stamina. Leroy is going to a spirituality study tonight. He is choosing that over his stamp club so I would say he likes it. My toes mostly do not bleed anymore, but they are bright red where those toenails used to be. I am grateful I have felt no pain. It is unreal. Even though the doctor had told me it would not be bad, I did not believe him because I was remembering an earlier experience. Paula

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