Friday, February 14, 2025

Cold and Windy

Hello, Besides washing three loads of laundry, it was a day for a lot of reading. I finished a Louise Penny book. There are only two books left in the series for me to read. I don’t know what Leroy read, but I know that he also finished a book and is starting another. I did see the foot Doctor yesterday. As he said, “One toe nail area is healing well and the other is not.” He did something to one toe that involved a sharp looking instrument. I averted my eyes so I would not flinch and cause him to stab me. My toe hurts a bit today, but he assured me that healing is happening. I am now taking an antibiotic. How nice to have a doctor’s office just four blocks away. Leroy got a series of exercises from a physical therapist. I can say that I am impressed that he is still doing them almost every day for about a year. He is hooked on the results. Now I have to confess that I do not do my exercises very often. Mostly it is when I go to a class. I do not even have an excuse. Although while Leroy does his I am preparing breakfast for both of us. I suppose I could exercise after breakfast, but it has seldom happened. At least I get some steps. Paula

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