Monday, February 24, 2025
Warm Day
It was a great day to be out. Leroy even rode his bike, but he tells me that his hands got quite cold. I was quite warm because I worked hard on the gutter at the end of the alley. It helped to get the ice out yesterday. Unfortunately, there were plenty of other things in there including; mud, sticks, rocks, trash, and plants that seemed to have deep roots. Mostly I got rid of what I could, but the plants stayed. Maybe on a dry warm day I will figure out what I can remove.
We would like to get the cars washed, but do not want to drive through the water at the end of the alley. Maybe day or two will fix that. It is to be nice for a few more days.
I volunteered at the meal center up the street from home. Again, I shelved donated items. The shelves are quite full in certain places so it was challenging to put like items with like items. After that I worked on bagging the donated chicken. The people who were there did not talk much, so time did not move as fast as it has in the past.
Saturday, February 22, 2025
Sarah and Natalie Visit
Sarah and Natalie visited for a week. It was great to have them come. Natalie has the week off from school. Sarah was able to work remotely four days. We spent time talking, playing games, visiting museums, and volunteering. Oh, the two of them also put together two picture puzzles. And then Natalie went to the library with us and found many graphic novels to bring home. Natalie and I also went to a Qui gong class. I thought it would be an experience to show her what that is like. The instructor was very good at including her.
Sarah did not work on Monday so the three of us went to the establishment that serves meals M-F. We helped put a lot of donations on the shelf as well as bagged donated chicken and made sandwiches with the fillets. By the time we were done it was lunch time so we ate there as well. They were both quite good workers. I think we got a lot done. Others also commented on how well they did.
On Friday Leroy, Natalie and I went to church to help unload the donations and put some of them away. We also opened small cans of applesauce and transferred it to serving sized containers to be taken to the homeless shelters. The person who is mostly responsible for all of this apologized at the messy kitchen. She had put in a 12-hour day followed by a 13-hour day to take food to the homeless shelters. Because of the extreme cold the people were there all day. This woman contributes above and beyond the average person. She also fed us lunch at noon. She always has some food that is left from other things but not enough to feed 100 people.
We visited “Leroy’s Museum” as well as the African/American museum of Iowa. We also spotted some eagles on the river.
Saturday, February 15, 2025
Plant Care and Sarah Coming
Two violets need to be repotted. Geraniums need to be put in soil. The problem is it is cold outside and plants become a rather messy job for some of us. Sometimes it can be done in the kitchen or bathroom where there is not carpeting to be concerned with. Now the potting soil is in the garage and frozen solid. It would be necessary to let it thaw for at least a day or two. Luckily, the rest of the plants are ok or even looking good. It is disappointing that the amaryllis are all too small to create flowers. Something outdoors ate the largest, at least it could not be found in the fall.
Sarah and Natalie are going to visit for a week. They were to come in at noon, but the flight was cancelled. We now expect them after 10:00 this evening. Sarah was so disappointed because the first flight was to be direct. Now they have a connection to make. We are disappointed because we had been looking forward to them being here. I even got some books out of the library for Sarah. Books I know she likes, but cannot easily get at her library. At least snow is not a driving problem now.
Friday, February 14, 2025
Cold and Windy
Besides washing three loads of laundry, it was a day for a lot of reading. I finished a Louise Penny book. There are only two books left in the series for me to read. I don’t know what Leroy read, but I know that he also finished a book and is starting another.
I did see the foot Doctor yesterday. As he said, “One toe nail area is healing well and the other is not.”
He did something to one toe that involved a sharp looking instrument. I averted my eyes so I would not flinch and cause him to stab me. My toe hurts a bit today, but he assured me that healing is happening. I am now taking an antibiotic. How nice to have a doctor’s office just four blocks away.
Leroy got a series of exercises from a physical therapist. I can say that I am impressed that he is still doing them almost every day for about a year. He is hooked on the results. Now I have to confess that I do not do my exercises very often. Mostly it is when I go to a class. I do not even have an excuse. Although while Leroy does his I am preparing breakfast for both of us. I suppose I could exercise after breakfast, but it has seldom happened. At least I get some steps.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Snow Bound
I remember a time when this much snow would not cause so many cancellations ahead of time. Generally, it was a game of wait and see. Now with the prediction of a major storm; schools, churches, and other organizations have cancelled many activities. Weather can still change, but the skills and equipment of the weather people have improved.
Leroy and I went out and shoveled. He thinks five inches is on the ground out there. I am not so sure so he changed the number to four. It is cold enough that it is light and easier to move than sometimes. Leroy shoveled in the back and took on the front job. This includes neighbors on each side of us. Tiredness crept in along with the cold. My old mittens did not do a very good job protecting my fingers. They are my favorite so I do not want to part with them, but the time seems to be coming. Two of my fingers were quite numb by the time I came in the house.
At least I recorded a number of steps. Leroy walked to bible study at church so he had quite a few but he only added about 1000 more. I get 3000 because the tracker is on my wrist. Leroy’s is his phone and it is in his pocket.
We took our downstairs friend to the airport. The snow had started, but it was early so it was not a problem. It did not even seem to be slippery. It was good to get back home before the snow fall stepped up the pace.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
February 11, 2025
We have one bookcase that seems to be a collection point for various odds and ends. There are a number of photo albums there. I have not looked at them in a long time, maybe not even in the 13 years we have lived here. I wondered if I could just throw them away, but I looked at them and rather enjoyed that. I know many have scanned their photos to keep them. Our printer will not scan so how to do that? I also have to confess that the idea of doing that does not interest me at all. Maybe I could let the next generation throw them out when we have both died. That is a seductive thought. Less bother for me and perhaps it will be easy for them to do.
My mother also kept a diary. Not a diary filled with words but one that told the weather and when a crop was planted or harvested. Certainly not titillating content. But could it be of value for history? Then, I found a small book in a box that was my grandmother’s there is a year’s worth of days, with text in German.
She had put birthdays in there. Not all birthdays, but some going back to the 1800’s. It seems a shame to eliminate that, but what use is it?
I also have an autograph book from that grandmother. The kind of book where friends wrote notes.
She was my father’s mother and the only grandmother I knew.
Monday, February 10, 2025
Change of Mood
I got up felling grumpy and a bit unnecessary for the world. Some of that was caused by the lack of sleep. But still, it is a different thing to get up and be ready to take on the world. Too often these days I wonder: can I make a difference, do I make a difference, and how to make a difference. It seems to me that the most vulnerable people in the world seem to get the brunt of bad decisions.
I did go volunteer at the neighborhood meal service. It was good to greet familiar faces and work with them. There were many donations over the weekend. I helped sort canned items, date them, and shelve them. After that it was on to sorting the chicken that had come in from a restaurant. It was an especially large amount today. One person commented that all of this food used to be thrown away and now it is given to someone who is living on the edge of food scarcity.
The real problem is how to lift people out of poverty. It seems that wages are often too low for them to live on what they make. Some people have disabilities so are not able to work or must work for limited times and in limited jobs.
I spend much time praying about these issues, but do not see answers.
Sunday, February 9, 2025
Ushering in church
Leroy ushered in church this morning. He needs to be there a half hour ahead of time. I was not quite ready so I came later. I am often a greeter, but had not signed up for today. I think I could have gone with Leroy and been a greeter because there was no one there. No shows do not happen often, but it is nice to fill in if needed.
Our organist has had surgery on his arm. In the meantime, his wife is leading the services with the piano. They are both wonderful musicians, but I find I do miss the organ.
I told Leroy I thought he should do something a little differently about ushering people up for communion. He finally said, “Why don’t you do it?”
I laughed, “I would rather correct you.”
No more suggestions for a good long time. Just let it all role. For some reason it is so easy to be judgmental about someone else’s job and not so easy to see things about myself. Guess there is still more room to learn new things in life.
Friday, February 7, 2025
Walking again
This morning when I soaked my toes they hurt. As I walked around the flat it hurt. Leroy walked to church, but I drove. From there we went and did a little shopping because I was out of milk.
My toes felt fine. Later this afternoon I went for a nice long walk and it was good. There were lots of people out on the trail. Some were groups of school runners. Some were walking dogs and some were talking to themselves or perhaps on their phones.
On the baseball diamond there was a soccer team practicing. Another soccer team was on the regular field. All of these young people had on shorts. I had on a hat, scarf, mittens, winter coat, jeans, and wool socks. It was about 34 degrees F.
When I got home, I was happy to get back in the warm. I was pleased to see that I have taken 7,500 steps. In recent days I have not even had 5,000. Life is moving on.
Thursday, February 6, 2025
At Home
It is harder to find things worth writing about when I spend so much time at home. It is too insulating. I did take a short walk this afternoon. It felt wonderful to have the air on my face. Everything was familiar, but a welcome sight. Unfortunately, toes are a slow growing place. It all feels fine, but will take a while to get to a place that one could call normal.
I am reading the Tattooist of Auschwitz. It is not a happy read. I have read many books from the time of WWII. Most of them are a bit daunting to get through. It is hard to realize how cruel human beings can be to each other. This book was face out on the library shelf and in reading the flyleaf, I learned that it is based on the true story of a Slovak man. We have been to Auschwitz so I did recognize some of the things he talked about. Many terrible things are still happening in the name of power and greed as well as not caring about others only the self.
Leroy did volunteer at the museum this afternoon so it was nice to have some time by myself.
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Tai Chi and a movie
My foot feels good so Tai Chi seemed like a good option of some movement. We stand for the entire hour. After about half an hour, I realized I needed to sit. My toes did not hurt, but I felt a sense of pressure. Also, the first things we do are in one position. It was quite different when we were turning our feet on the toes. I sat for quite a while with my foot elevated. I got up once, but soon knew I should sit again. It is interesting to see the class and not participate.
Today, we went to another tai chi type class. This time I told the instructor that I would not be able to participate the entire time, but would need to sit because of my toes. She was skilled at telling me how to do the moves from a seated position. It was good to be there.
We are getting icy rain now so I am not sure that I will be going to the morning stretch classes tomorrow. I hope not since I lead them and I am not sure about so many chair moves. If school is delayed there is no class.
Leroy and I watched the movie, Jules, this afternoon. I watched the whole thing, but Leroy found it a slow start. He came later and enjoyed it. It was recommended by the AARP. Maybe we can trust their recommendations.
Monday, February 3, 2025
Leroy’s Birthday
Leroy is now only a year younger than I am. Seems he is not good at catching up. He is the guy who seldom does impulsive things, but ponders it for a while.
Because I have not been out and about much, we went and got his birthday present today. It is a new clock/radio for the bedroom. He has complained mightily about how difficult it is to reset the one we had. This new one also projects the time on the ceiling so I can see it without turning over and lifting my head to see over him. I felt a bit guilty, wondering if it is a gift for me too. We also bought a pizza for his birthday even though we both prefer the homemade variety. An apple pie and ice cream completed the birthday specials.
He did do the dishes even though I told him I could do that. I will admit to being tired after shopping. Sitting around with a foot up wears me out. Certainly, it does not build muscle and stamina.
Leroy is going to a spirituality study tonight. He is choosing that over his stamp club so I would say he likes it.
My toes mostly do not bleed anymore, but they are bright red where those toenails used to be. I am grateful I have felt no pain. It is unreal. Even though the doctor had told me it would not be bad, I did not believe him because I was remembering an earlier experience.
Saturday, February 1, 2025
Sitting Around
It is not easy to sit around. I have read a book, watched a movie and sighed a few times. Yesterday we learned when changing the bandage on my toes, that there was quite a bit of bleeding. Probably I did not sit still enough. Today I am trying to do better. It is good that there is no pain but pain would probably encourage me to sit and have that foot up. As it is there is no penalty for walking around. Leroy has fixed meals and done the dishes, but I found other things to pick up or move around. Most days I must be on the move quite a lot.
Yesterday I recorded over 4000 steps, but some of those occurred before the removal of toenails. I did call Leroy to come pick me up even thought the nurse did not sound like it was all that necessary. But maybe she did not realize I had walked five blocks to get there. I also went into the store to pick up my meds. I could have had Leroy do that on his own.
The bandages were a bit bloody this morning. Perhaps that is because I got up twice to go to the bathroom. Or maybe the weight of the blankets was too much on the toes.
At least I did not walk to church this morning to help unload supplies for the meals served to the needy in the community. Leroy did that on his own.
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