Saturday, November 23, 2024

Helping at a Funeral Reception

Hello, I volunteered to help at funeral dinners. Today was my first try. It was a small funeral group, so a good place to learn. I helped set up, serve if anything was needed, and clean up. It was quite within my abilities, although I noticed being on my feet for such a long time. That included my walks there and back. It was good to meet some people, now if I can remember names, I will be set. One thing I noticed is that some people are aware of many details of appearance. Luckily, I am not in charge because that is not really my skill. I am better if they tell me to go and do that. This may sound crazy, but I learned how to put a lid on a coffee carafe. Since I do not drink coffee, I knew little about the apparatus. Learned just now how to spell the word, hopefully it is the proper word. Thinking about what should be served at my funeral since I do not eat so much of the things that were there. Luncheon meat, jello salads, and desserts are not on my list of favorites, but it seems to be for many people. Even thought the flowers are gone from around the church someone brought many gourds and two pumpkins. They look quite nice. Again, this is something that I would never think of doing. Some people have good ideas. I find that women also spend a bit of time talking sports and I do not know about any of that. I can listen and say hum from time to time. Guess that works. Leroy commented that next year he will have been ordained and graduated from seminary fifty years ago. Time flies. Paula

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