Monday, November 11, 2024

Books Going

Hello, Four books went into our little free library. Three of them are gone along with three other books that someone gave me for the library. More of the books I got are out there now too. We took three books to a library that is almost on our walk to church, we just had to add about two blocks. There were only two thin books in there so we could have put in some more. It is close to a homeless shelter so I like to put books there. Soon I will have to go buy more books. I am not sure who likes all the books, but many of them are taken at night. Often, we can tell that someone has looked at them because they are moved around. I am happy to know there are readers in the neighborhood and they have a source of books. Now it would be nice if all the old, old children’s books would be gone. I may have to move them to another library.
I just finished a book and did not have time to get the public library. In searching the catalogue, I found two I would like to read so I put them on hold. Hopefully they will be there tomorrow since they were on the shelf. I can stop tomorrow on my way home from Tai Chi. For me a day without books is like a day without sunshine. The public library is a great source, but it is far enough away from our neighborhood that it is great to have the little libraries. Paula

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