Friday, November 22, 2024

Going Too Far?

Hello, It was 37 degrees F. when we hung out sheets and some other things. With wind and patience, they often dry. There was a bit of wind, but the humidity was also present today. When I brought them back in after lunch, they were all damp and some closer to wet. I suspect I have a reputation in the neighborhood as that crazy person who hangs out clothes in weird weather. My next-door neighbor wondered if we have a clothes dryer. We do, but it is seldom used, as clothes are hung on dryer racks instead. I consider that more beneficial to the environment. I like to hang out clothes so that makes it an easy choice for me. The squirrels are busy chewing on walnuts. Sometimes they chase each other trying to get some nut from the neighbor. We enjoy watching them in the yard. They are our entertainment. Are we deprived or blessed? Paula

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