Monday, April 29, 2024

Sing out

Hello, Our church celebrated the life of Issac Watts who wrote the words for many hymns, including some favorites of me. It was great to be a part of that in the adult choir. There were bells, a brass group, and children choir selectins. That was followed by an appetizer, dessert potluck. There were more desserts than appetizers, but I still managed to find a nice amount to eat. Leroy, who is more in tune with the idea of eating sweets, found quite a lot of choices, however he was later in line and the appetizers were mostly gone. It was good to have some time visiting with others. That always lifts me up and fills my being. It was raining a bit in the morning so we drove to church. I missed the walk. Perhaps I meditate a bit on the way. It just seemed too commercial to listen to the radio. We walked in the afternoon and it was very nice addition to my day. Paula

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