Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Skippers and tending plants

Hello, When out delivering newsletters, I was impressed by the number of butterflies. Perhaps they are really skippers. Several different varieties were out and about. They seem a bit smaller than a butterfly. At least they can find some flowers to visit for a meal. It is fun to see the different blooms. I was given some house plants. Today was so nice that I could take them out and work on them outdoors. The two vines had many places were there was just stem and not leaves. It took some major trimming to leave just a few stems with leaves close to the base. Some of the pruned pieces went back in the pot and some went into a jar of water so that roots could form. It is difficult to say what will live and what will die. I was going to use a different word here, but I misspelled it so much that neither spell check or my mis-speller’s dictionary could help me.

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