Saturday, May 30, 2020

Just around the neighborhood


This morning I helped my downstairs neighbors by sharing some of my oven space. I also had some room in the refrigerator to store things for them overnight.

This afternoon Leroy and the downstairs friend put up a long extension ladder. Leroy climbed up with a small bucket of water and three clothes along with explicit instructions from me about how to wash the outside of the one window that does not open. It all went well, however as I was watching I thought, “I might think about what is worse, the virus or falling off the ladder from the second story of a rather tall house?”

The window is now clean. It had not been cleaned in the eight years we have lived here. Even though I wanted it clean I have not pushed too hard to get that done because of the height.

Leroy packed up all of the things that need to go back to the museum and stored them in the car. The computer is still in here, but it is so nice to see so much space in the spare bedroom. Leroy will work from the museum starting Monday. All staff will be there, but the building will not be open to the public for a week or two.

I will also go to work on Monday with about the same situation some staff there, but no public entrance yet. We will be wearing masks and keeping some distance apart.

We also went to the community garden and pulled some weeds as well as spreading more mulch. It was quite a busy day. We seem to find plenty to occupy us in neighborhood.


Friday, May 29, 2020



This afternoon we rode our bikes over to church to weed the front (it is really the back, but it feels like the front because it is the door we always use) flower bed which is now under our care. We took along a bag to bring the weeds home and put them in the compost. It was great to be there because we saw three other people. We were able to visit a little with social distancing and they were wearing masks. Leroy and I thought we might see no one so we did not bring masks.

On the way home we stopped to get more Red Russian Kale. While I cut the kale, Leroy pulled a few more weeds. It was so satisfying to be out in the wonderful sunny, cool air. I took another long walk this evening just to soak up some more of the great outdoors. I love looking at the trees with their full canopy of leaves.

I went to the grocery store this morning, thinking I would start going on Fridays again. However it seemed there were more people and not so many wearing masks. Perhaps that is because our state is now quite open even though there is a caution to practice good basic personal care of self and others; I am not sure how that is interpreted by all.

A friend gave me some sourdough starter. I made the bread today. I thought it seemed quite sour, but all in all we both liked it. I will certainly keep it going for a while. I used half white flour and half whole wheat. Next time I will increase the whole wheat portion and lower the white portion to see had that goes.


Thursday, May 28, 2020

Moving the Body


Every Thursday I lead some stretching and just waking up the body type moves. It used to be on live FB, but now it is a Zoom meeting. This morning no one was there three minutes ahead. At about two minutes after a young woman joined me. She is from a town some distance from Ely. I was surprised. After introducing ourselves we got started. In order to do these moves and be seen, I must go some distance from the computer as it cuts off my head. Surely people would not like to be led by a headless woman? Consequently I do not see the screen very well, especially any small print. I only learned when I was done that two of my regulars were in the waiting room. I know I should move closer to the screen and check from time to time, but it is hard to remember to do that when I am intent on going from one move to the next.

I believe that I am not doing enough moving on the days I do not have tai chi or my morning stretch even though I always get my 10,000 steps done. Seems to me I have begun to sag quite a bit and hunch my shoulders forward. When all this is over you might not even recognize me, sagging and bagging. Is it too much time using the computer?

Reading could also be a culprit, but I try to keep good posture at that pastime too. I am reading, “Black Death at the Golden Gate: the race to save America from the bubonic plague”. By David K. Randall. I am finding it to be interesting. Even though it is nonfiction it reads almost like fiction with some parallels to the current time. Does this go with the Biblical statement, “There is nothing new under the sun”?

More inventions and new ways of doing things, but do people really change?


Wednesday, May 27, 2020

My Crazy Shopping Trip


Early morning seems to have the least other shoppers on the scene. After breakfast we were still at the table reading devotions when I realized it was getting late. Leroy read a little faster and I put off until later writing down thoughts. I grabbed a coupon that I had received for a defective electric toothbrush. This would buy four more and the coupon expires at the end of June. There is a concern in this house by all members that it might be forgotten if put off too long which is a waste of $30. A new can opener was also on the list.

There seemed to be more cars in the lot than expected, but the store was not busy. No close contact until check out. A live checkout person seemed to be the best with this coupon since it said that scanning it would not work. First this young woman could not get the security device off the toothbrush package. She tried the extractor in the spot next to us with no luck. Then she sought out a coworker. Still no luck! Another worker came up and he told her just to let it go after he also could not get it off. I perhaps raised my eyebrow because they assured me, “He is in security, so it will be alright.”

When she tried to use the coupon it did not work so she got some help with that. I carried the letter that came with it in case there were an issue, but it was ok. It had to be keyed in differently. As I was leaving the poor girl apologized for the delay. “That is ok, I am just glad there was not a line of people becoming upset.” She whole heartedly agreed.

The buzzer went off as I left the building, I stopped, looked around, no one came, and it stopped almost immediately. It was ok.

I got a new manual can opener. I hope it works well for a long time because I paid twice as much as I had the last time. Some cheaper openers are only about a fifth of the price. Perhaps I go a little crazy in the morning?

I had carried hand sanitizer with me, but forgot to use it before getting in the car to come home. At home I took cleaner out and cleaned the door handles and steering wheel. Hopefully all will be good. I believe it will be, I am not as careful as I once was, but I try not to be careless of myself and others.


Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Haircut, Kale, and Columbia


Yesterday Leroy cut my hair for the second time. I think he did a nice job. I also believe that my curls help hide any mistakes that might be there. There was one clump behind my ear that I did cut off because it seemed to be missed; otherwise it is exactly like he did it.

A red Russian kale plant went to seed in the community garden last fall. Apparently there were many seeds because there are now many small kale plants. We have enjoyed lots of salads from it. I dug up some and brought it home because it is going to have to be pulled eventually. I have a hard time doing that. How can this nutritious power house be treated like a weed? Part of the bit that I brought home, I shared with a neighbor behind us who is working on his garden. He seemed pleased to get it. The other bits languished for days. However, my downstairs friends convinced someone to take some home to plant. Last night I went across the street and asked that neighbor if they wanted it. They did not, but they had a guest who took all of the rest of it. I hope it creates some good meal additions for all of these people.

Our friends from Columbia called this weekend. It was good to hear from them. They are doing well. Because they have enough land to move around on and tend, they are busy. One of them is over 70 and the other is over 80. She worded it, “We are not allowed to leave our place. Anything we need is brought to us.” I am glad they can stay safe even if confined.


Monday, May 25, 2020

Cleaning out file folders


It is a quite day at home for us, or at least that is how it started. I was looking for the warranty on a “safe” can opener. That search turned into flipping through all the warranty files that we have. Some papers were still in that space even though we no longer have the item. I would have sworn that one of had gone through these files just recently, but apparently that is not true. There were not a huge number of papers; however it is enough to lighten the load. I also like to put papers in there with the purchase date so if there is any question about when we got some item I can answer that question.

Our safe can opener no longer works and I was curious about how long we had had it, but no answer to that question. It seems to me it would be about three years old. Not nearly a long life.

We do like that style so we will probably get another like it, but perhaps a different brand.

This morning we went for a nice bike ride with another couple. We practiced social distancing, but did not wear a mask most of the time. We just tried to talk loudly across the distance. The man has a hearing issue so that required some repetition from time to time. It was a fun time. There were not so many people on the trail yet so that was good. We went home past the church and community garden. That meant that we so few other people or cars as we took small streets. I am glad we went in the morning because it is now quite hot.

A friend just stopped by with some sourdough starter that she started herself. We kept our distance. She put it on the sidewalk and walked away so I could pick it up. Social distancing can be done, especially outside. It was nice to visit with her for a little while. She is at the point where she can give starter away. I fed it and wondering if I can make some bread in about two days. Years ago I made my own starter and liked it very much, but it became a burden after a while. I hope to keep this going for some time.


Sunday, May 24, 2020

Iowa Gnats are Back


“Is something flying around me? I feel something tickling the back of my neck.” Leroy commented.

On inspection, there were several gnats in the air by him. When we got home he said, “One of the gnats bit me.”

The spot was about two inches in diameter, red, and swollen. I thought I had heard about putting on a paste of baking soda. Leroy did that and it soon started to look and feel better. Interesting, but I did not find that solution when I looked on line later. Did I just make that up?

As with mosquitoes, the gnats do not like me so much. However, I do not like them flying around and getting so close.

We took a nice bike ride this morning. The gnats were not yet so plentiful that it was a problem. The bikes give us more speed to evade them.

We possibly rode about 12 miles which I think was fine for my third ride this season. My bottom protested a bit. As we traversed this trail, I thought about the grandchildren riding with us. They are all getting big enough that I think they could handle it. There are certainly smaller kids with adults out there, but I have no idea how far they ride. At least I read that exercising outdoors is a good and fairly safe thing to do. I just wish I had some grandchildren living closer. I talked with one today about camping. Later I read that, depending on how you deal with it, it is one of the safest activities to do with others.


Saturday, May 23, 2020

Early Morning Shopping


I can now report that early morning is a good time to go shopping, or at least it was today, to avoid many people. Leroy and I even went together. We have not been in the same store at the same time since early March. I wanted to look at something and he wanted to look at something else, so it seemed like we should each go. We could have just gone at different times, but I know many who do not like to get out so early. There were not many people in the store and I am happy to report that I only noticed one person who was not wearing a mask. This person was also going against the direction of the arrows on the floor. It is hard to say just why they would do this. I would imagine if they drive they follow the rules of the road and do not drive into oncoming traffic. I was happy with the remainder of the people who allowed me to maintain social distance. Most people are concerned and considerate about the well being of others.

Leroy had worn his rain coat, but I did not. It was raining quite a bit when we got out of the store, but we just raced off to the car. Glad I can still “race” for a short distance. We were parked a bit of a distance from the door because I have always liked to avoid all the cars and it gives me an excuse to walk a little more.

Leroy has been bothered by a headache for some time. He thinks it is related to allergies, but it is wearing on him. He is now talking about going to the doctor to learn if they have any additional suggestions for him.

I am so fortunate that I do not generally get such issues. My body seems to take care of many things on its own.


Friday, May 22, 2020

Weekend Locally


Leroy and I will just spend time around here for the weekend. We can find grass and weeds to take out of the cracks in the sidewalk. We did a little of that this morning. We can also thin out some of the lettuce in our front bed garden. The netting on that garden needs to be adjusted as it is too low over the winter onions which are starting to produce babies at the top of their stalks now. If the bulbs form in the wrong place it will be quite difficult to deal with them entangled in the netting.

Leroy walked a few blocks to the chiropractor to get an adjustment this morning. When that was finished he did some more walking so he is now well ahead of me, not that we are competing?

Clothes were hung out, but they are having a bit of a time to get dry as there is quite a lot of humidity in the air. My hair is curling.

I am rereading “The Radium Girls” for a book club. It is not a comforting read about the goodness of human nature; instead greed, gain, and some ignorance about radium win over the health and well being of workers. Luckily there are some who moved to help the distressed, but not before it did much damage and killed some workers.

Is that human nature to race into the new because it looks good initially without considering the consequences?


Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Odd Mask


I cobbled a mask together before we were gifted with four fine masks from our downstairs friend. We keep that unusual mask just for some time when we need one and there are not clean masks around. A week ago I spend some time looking for the mask, but to no avail even though I repeatedly went back to the best or most logical spots to look for it. One day I was putting a rag in the laundry bag for rags (I wash them separately from everything else.), when I found that illusive mask with a logical explanation for why it was there when I considered options. I had put it down close to that laundry bag. Before I could put it in the proper place it was whisked into that bag. Leroy has all ready to wash masks in his closet in a bag that keeps them separate from the other laundry. He was working in the room and I could not get to that laundry so I put it down on the floor by the door with instructions for him to take care of it when he had time. Today I washed masks along with some other items, but I could not find that odd mask. While looking for it, I even disturbed Leroy’s nap because I found it so frustrating.

After much searching we found that mask in my laundry basket. Leroy said, “We should put a bell on it.”

Leroy added two additional masks to our supply. He got those from the museum. I am happy to have those as we can keep one in each car as well as by the bottom of the stairs. This allows us to go a day or two before I have to wash masks again.


Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Rabbits and Squirrels


The squirrels, or at least I blame the squirrels, have broken off several leaves from a begonia plant. I put those long leaf stems in water and they perked up, but I am unsure about their ability to make roots. Today I noticed that one of the poinsettias has broken limbs as well. One of the salvia is bent and small branch of the jade plant on the back porch has been taken off. It seems that everything newly outside this year is a target. Hopefully it is just curious and not malicious activity. For some reason, I suspect malicious is reserved for humans.

The other day I saw two squirrels tussling in the tree next door. They were a little higher than my second story window. One of them fell to the ground with a plot loud enough that I heard it with the windows closed. In a little bit the fallen gathered it’s self and climbed back up the tree.

Today Leroy spotted a baby rabbit in the back yard. Also a nice cute critter, but not one that I want in my garden. It is not easy to live peacefully with the entire natural world. It is interesting to me that I lived on a farm, but I think we never had trouble with squirrels or rabbits in the garden. Perhaps that is because we had a dog that had free roam of the place at all times. We also had deer on the farm, but they were quite shy and seldom seen. Now in the city, people frequently complain about the deer eating ornamental plants of one kind or another. Again the dog on the loose was probably a discouragement to deer to come close to the house.

I went to the dentist for a cleaning and check up. The new waiting room is the parking lot. They came to get me when they were ready. I answered those same questions about health and had my temperature taken. All this was done while we both were wearing a mask. It was only when I got into the chair that I took off my mask. The hygienist was wearing two masks, one on top of the other and above those masks, safety glasses. It is a new day.


Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Scheduled Day


The first thing on my agenda was the early morning Tai Chi Class on zoom. We do not get much time to chat because the time is cut by the program. When we met in the library we chatted for a while before class started (I always came early.) and more chatting when the class was over. I miss that.

Leroy did not join this morning because he had work he wanted to do. Also he went with me to have a drive by birthday celebration with an 88 year old former choir member. It was great to catch a glimpse of him from a distance. Also nice to see the others in their cars.

In the afternoon, I went to the grocery store, but I did not get out of the car because the parking lot was so full. I will try again tomorrow morning. We had enough to eat for the rest of the day. We could wait, but we are getting low on certain items.

I also spent some time working on the front raised bed garden. We now have a very short fence around it thanks to our downstairs friend. We did not put a top layer on. Leroy and I walked this afternoon and found a squirrel digging in the garden. I yelled and ran at it scaring it up a tree temporarily. This evening Leroy and I worked to put the netting over the area, hoping it would deter squirrels. We realize the squirrel could try to jump through the netting and really mess up the garden. Those cute and entertaining critters can be quite unwelcome at times.


Monday, May 18, 2020

Nothing Happening?


Now the question is how to write when nothing is happening. Well something is always happening even if it is just time going by. Leroy went to a drive by retirement party for his museum job. He is not yet retiring. This group met in a parking lot and then drove over almost as a caravan to the person’s house. He tells me there were forty or fifty people involved. Leroy had a mask with him, but they also had some for people who had no mask, so he brought another mask home. We might just keep masks in the cars and by the door of the house so we are covered for any time.

This afternoon Leroy went to see a chiropractor because his neck has been hurting. He has also had a headache for some days. With an adjustment to his back and neck he is hoping for some good days ahead. The provider met him in the parking lot. Leroy was also required to wear a mask and answer questions about his health that had to do with the virus.

My work has put together a five phase plan for reopening in the unknown future. We will be wearing masks there for some time to come. At first, patrons will not be able to come in the building and we masked staff people will meet them at the door to deliver their requests. Iowa, according to some sources has not yet reached its peak in the process through this virus so we will wait to open after that happens.

Today I have had a tough time walking because it seems to rain almost every time I go out. One thing about being out then I see no one else so I am not concerned about giving or catching anything except a lot of water.

I am grateful that nothing happening also means no one near and dear to me has this virus.


Sunday, May 17, 2020

A Walk around the Lake


This afternoon we talked about where to walk because we did not have enough steps. Leroy commented that he would like to see the geese down by the lake since we have not seen the babies this year. It is a bit far to walk so we drove there. I wondered about the number of people, but thought that there might not be too many because it is quite gloomy. Maybe others had the same idea because after the first quarter mile there were plenty of people. More than I like for social distancing. It was also harder to walk off the path since there was much goose poop to contend with both on the trail and off.

We did see many baby geese of some various ages. That was quite nice. At a guess there might have been as many as 50 young. It seemed that all babies were tended by multiple adults. Are some geese designated as baby sitters while the others fly off to feed?

We encountered people walking, dog walking, people running, bicycle riders zipping past and children struggling to get this bike thing accomplished. I am always happy to see people out getting exercise and enjoying nature, but now I have such mixed feelings about it. No more Sunday excursions for me for some time to come.

Leroy took many pictures and I will share two with you.

This morning we walked in no rain at the beginning which slowly turned into a light rain and then became a more serious affair. We were quite wet when took refuge in the back porch. Such a blessing to have this dry place to collect ourselves and unlock the door.


Friday, May 15, 2020

Lots done on a sunny day


We thought we would go to the store early before many others were out to get our plants. Well, it was not late, but we were probably half an hour later than we intended. Since the plants were all outside I did not take a mask. Leroy did because he would be going to get two things in the store. It is good one of us had a mask because he needed to go inside to pay for the plants. Given the number of people who wore masks outside, I felt a little like I was breaking the rules. We were pleased with the plants that we got we will plant them this evening.

We also washed the last four screens and windows. Leroy talked about doing just two and we proceeded to do all. It is nice to have that job done. I had washed some clothes today including bathroom rugs so I washed that floor. It is great to have that area clean for a little time; just living seems to mean dirt after a while.

I also made granola today as we were down to just a fourth of a cup left. It is good to have that resupplied as well. The last time I was in the grocery store I bought a watermelon. We cut that today. It was quite good. What a treat!

Even though our governor said that libraries could open, mine will not just yet. My boss posted a notice that we need to be able to have personal protection for the staff and some for the patrons before we can open. Some of those supplies are not always easy to purchase in these days of high use.


Thursday, May 14, 2020

Social Distancing


During this time of social distancing I am developing the fine art of doing nothing and appearing (to myself) to be doing something. At the end of the day it does not add up to much.

I did take out all of the houseplants that I want to leave outside for the summer. It might be a bit cool and night requiring a layover in the back porch, but I can handle that. Just to help myself get more steps only one plant went out in each trip up and down stairs and around the house. Later, I learned that the battery needed charging so none of the steps counted, but they were good for me. In all there are now 18 plants outside.

Leroy had been complaining that there seemed to be a number of little ants in the house. I personally did not see many. However, when all the plants were out of his room, which is really the spare room, I found a colony of ants on the table. Scoping up the table cloth, folding it over, it went outside where it was opened and shaken a little followed by hanging on the line. These creatures were not practicing social distancing. Also on that table we have a small bell type thing we brought home from Slovakia. When I looked inside of it, I was appalled to see many more ants. I extended my arms a little and took that right outside. When I tapped it on the deck hundreds of tiny ants popped out. This all made me feel a bit twitchy. Were ants crawling on me? Were there more in the house?

I rarely spend much time in this spare bedroom. Leroy has his clothes in the closet and in the dressers. This is also the space he is using for his work from home. We talk about it as his room. So that is my excuse for not checking on those ants. It seems to me he could have done a little detective work himself, but…

I did transplant a small outdoor plant to a new home and was astonished that the ground did not have moisture very far done. The rain seemed to come for a long time, course the tree above may be stopping the rain from getting to the ground.


Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Trip to the Store


I am almost out of whole wheat flour. It is local and organic at the store that is my source for almost all my granola supplies. I could get some of them as well. Because I am a member at this store, in the mail came a coupon for ten dollars off the first online order and then pick up outside the store shopping experience. Shopping online is not really my favorite thing, but I went at it with gusto. The only trouble was that when the shopping cart had as much in it as I wanted and I started to check out, I learned I had to have an online account. Ok, I backed out and created an account. Once again at checkout point I learned that I needed to have $35 order and I only had $25. I looked at the possibilities, but decided that I did not want to stock up and store things; also I could not find the place to put in my promo code. That was enough of that! I would just go to the store which is a short distance away. After assembling all of the things I might need such as hand sanitizer, mask, store card and credit card, I got in the car and drove to the store. At the store and still in the car I tried to put on my mask, but could not find it. I got out of the car, looked in the back seat where I had a shopping bag, but no mask. Considered going in the store without a mask, but instead went home where I found the mask on the garage floor close to the small door. Then I needed to use the toilet so I did that before getting back in the car. At this store they provide hand sanitizer and gloves just inside. I went in used hand sanitizer; got a glove out put it on, got out another glove, but this small glove did not fit my large hand. Groan! What to do? I laid that glove on the table and got another out of the large size box. In the store I learned they were out of the flour that I wanted, but I got three other things. At the exit I stripped off the gloves and went to the car.

Because I had worn gloves there I decided to go to another store on the way home and get the flour. They did have wipes to use on the cart so I did that and looked for the flour and popcorn that had also been missing at the other store. I was happy to find local popcorn even though it was not organic. I did find whole wheat flour from a company that I trust and respect even though it was not organic or local; I bought it as I did not want to go out again. At the checkout I kept the recommended distance from the guy in front of me who did quite a lot of coughing without a mask. He was also using one of the motorized shopping carts. When he left he left that cart at the end of the checkout lane. I fortunately had a small cart so I could get past it when I left. A woman who was coming up apologized, saying, “I need to wipe that down before I move it as I think he was sick.”

“I noticed that”, I said. She and I both had on masks, but she said, “Maybe you should leave this area.”

So I headed on out to the car. That guy may have had some other long term condition that really makes him more vulnerable that I think I am. I suspect he was not sick with the current virus.

A trip to the store for 3-5 things certainly turned into a longer affair that I had counted on.


Tea Cozy Tale


I was pleased that one tea cozy fits the new tea pot fairly well.

It is a bit large, but not bad. It is the one that looks the best with the color of our new pot. Leroy tried the orange tea cozy on his tea pot from work.
He said, “It fits better than the third one.”
Now all tea pots are covered except for the tea pot that I do not like so well, however for the time being I am keeping it because when we stay with Brian’s kids we like to have a tea pot so we take it even if it does drip.

I went to Target today for the first time since we have been staying closer to home. I have only gone to the grocery store since the first week in March. It seemed there were a lot of cars in the lot when I pulled in, but not so many in the store so I felt much more comfortable to get my supply items and leave. If there were people in an aisle I just made a turn and came back later. At the self check the staff wiped everything done before she let me come up to the check out. That was also reassuring. All store personal were wearing masks and almost all customers were as well.

Someone gave us more rhubarb so I made another crisp with mulberries. That will be the last until the mulberries are on the trees again. They told us about a place to see many wild flowers called bluebells. Because we were on our bikes, we just rode on over to that place as well. It was quite beautiful even though the flowers were past their prime. It made for a nice little outing for the day

They also have us a rhubarb crown which we hope will grow and thrive.



Monday, May 11, 2020

Smoke in the Air


I have now considered and I believe that I will be shopping once a week rather than every two weeks as it is a bit daunting to remember everything even with a list. The store did not seem so full at the time recommended by a friend. I was also pleased to see that almost everyone was wearing a mask and only two people did not observe the directional signs on the counters and on the floor. For reasons that I do not understand there was no quick cooking steel cut oats for the third time when I was there. I forgot to ask at check out if there was a time when it came in. They have the long cook, but I do not really want to fuss with that so it is back to the regular quick oats for us in the morning. Everything else that was on the list was in the store. Not so much hoarding going on now, I suppose. There is talk of a meat shortage, but I do not buy meat so that does not affect us.

I hung out a load of clothes early this morning before going grocery shopping. But I did not check it until after Leroy helped me put groceries away, and we ate lunch. We also watched live the funeral of a dear friend from Ely. This was the first live funeral we have attended. Apparently I put up the link because someone thanked me for doing so, but I have “no clue” how I did that. Skilled?

Before I washed dishes I brought in some of the clothes, perhaps a third of the total. I smelled smoke almost as soon as I stepped out to get the rest. I do not know which neighbor was burning, but we have three neighbors who think burning is the way to get rid of wood scraps. I do not like the effect on clean clothes. Unfortunately I do not often know ahead of time that there will be smoke. Today I could not see where it was coming from. If I were more assertive I might talk to the culprit since this is not a condoned activity.


Sunday, May 10, 2020

Mother's Day


Not much of excitement to the day, but we are well and that is important. We walked two times, but I still want to go out once more to get my full amount of steps. We thought it might rain on us for our second walk, but it just made a few drops and blew on over.

We had a nice video chat with our children. It was a good connection time. Grateful for technology and the ability to learn how to use it.

We are both doing quite a bit of reading. I like to play games, but I do not think Leroy is much into that as he never or rarely suggests it. Perhaps it is because the games I want to play, I frequently win. He likes winning.

It is supposed to warm up this week so we have shared a list of plants that we would like to have in the community garden with the person who will make the purchases.  We are hoping that everything will grow strong and good.

I need to go to the grocery store tomorrow.  Our food supply is getting low. I tried to make corn bread yesterday. There were no eggs, but I forged ahead figuring we would see what it was like. Then I learned that the cow’s milk has soured since I tried to make it last two weeks and there was almost no almond milk. It resulted in a new thing that was thicker than a taco and shorter than corn bread. We both rather liked the crunchy result. I used both whole corn meal and whole wheat flour so it had a lot of fiber.


Saturday, May 9, 2020

Where is that Page?


I am still trying to create a self help video for the library, where I work. I have had more trouble doing this than I care to think about. At first I could not figure out how to do a screen shot while doing the video, with help from a child of mine, I learned about that. Then I recorded it, but could not open the recording which could only be viewed on my machine. Apparently it could be viewed nowhere with my limited knowledge because I could not get it to play. Again a daughter came to the rescue. This morning I did my video, but forgot to record until I was done so I just recorded nonsense to see if it would work. It was saved to my desktop and I forwarded the link to Leroy who could open it. Success! Well no because when I went back to repeat the proper video I could not get it to connect to the screen shot that I wanted. At that point I basically cashed it in and will try another time or else I will just have to admit failure to my boss and who knows what then.

I did get out the instructions for our ten year old home phone and figured out how to eliminate any wrong numbers and how to add any new people. I can do things if I have good directions.

We covered plants last night against a prediction of low temperatures. Leroy noticed some frost on our neighbor’s lawn. I missed that, but saw it in the park. With all of the blooming trees and plants we are sure this frost is untimely, but this has happened before. We like to move spring along as fast as we can even though we have no control over it.

We are planting outside three more celery plants because the water has become unsavory for growing. If it gets so cold again we will just have to cover them too.

On another random thought, the tea cozy is too large for this pot. We have two other cozies which we will try later. They look too large also.


Friday, May 8, 2020

Yippee Electricity


I am grateful for the many things in my life that make it easier. What would it be like if we did not have electricity now? Life would be very different. It certainly keeps us connected to each other in a serious way now.

I am reading an Ebook. It is a bit of a challenge for me. I don’t notice that I make any progress, so I start to feel discouraged until I search out the page number and how far is left to go. Even though this device does not need electricity all the time, it needs charging often enough.

I am so thankful for the colorful trees in my neighborhood. Our walks are just one beauty to the next. I hope the bees and other pollinators are busy and enjoying the treats.

People have reported seeing humming birds. That is great too. I do not see them very often, but am pleased when I do. Talked with a friend today, she reported that she counted 40 baby geese as she walked around the lake. I am anxious to get down there. It is a bit far for a walk from our home, but I suppose we could drive there. I like the temperatures to be a little higher before riding the bike much.

We are hoping that the fruit tree blossoms will be ok through the coming cold snap. We love that fruit. We are also waiting patiently for the day we can safely plant more things, both flowers and veggies.

We have covered the vulnerable things for tonight. We are hoping for the best for the orchards in the area.


Thursday, May 7, 2020

Out And About


Leroy and I took a very short walk this morning because he is attending a video bible study at 6:45 am. That makes us hustle a bit in the beginning of the day. Immediately after that study is done I do my morning stretch. This morning one person greeted me so I know that at least one person is there. It helps me to keep focused a bit. When that was over Leroy has his video staff meeting. While that is happening I like to go out so I do not forget and make noise possibly disturbing his meeting. It is so different to have these meetings take place in people’s homes. I wonder, “What does my home look like to others, without them actually being on the premises?” Of course that is happening to many people now.

On my walk I saw that the food plant across the street is once again operating, with cars in the lot. For the last three days they were closed. Or at least that is what I think because there were no cars in the parking lot. The wild flowers in the park are just thriving. Flowering trees seem to be reaching their peak. Some of them are so beautiful. We are to have quite cold temperatures tonight. I am hoping that those petals can make it through.

We planted one of our celery starts and had hoped to put out the rest as the water around them is starting to look stressed. Possibly in a day or two it will be ok temperature wise for them to survive.

Great news for us, the tea pot came today. When I washed it I ran water out the spout and it seemed quite drip free. Tomorrow we will really test it out.


Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Lost Keys


This morning we got a call from a friend, offering us rhubarb and spinach. I gratefully said, “Yes!”

We live close enough that we could walk or more easily ride a bike to their house. I told Leroy about it and he decided to adjust his work time a little and we went together with bags on our bikes. This is the first time this year that I have ridden my bike. My seat and my legs noticed the different activity.

We were just on the bike trail when I heard a clunk and a clink. Leroy was behind me so I did not stop immediately, but slowed a little more gradually, stopped and hopped off the bike wondering what had fallen. I felt my jacket pocket and realized I no longer had my house key, garage key, bike key and various plastic store and library cards. This jacket has a serious hole in the pocket that I had forgotten about. Actually the pocket is not sown but, I think, glued together. The glue had come undone.

I walked back a little way, but could see nothing on the trail. Leroy helped look too. Then we both moved more into the grass thinking it must have flipped a distance away. It was getting stressful not seeing a thing. The grass was not that long how, but I wondered, “Could it hide my entire key ring?”

After a bit it seemed futile. I said maybe we could look on the way home. Leroy got to my bike first and he found the keys resting on the front derailleur. I was so happy because I had already been thinking about replacing keys and cards and what effort that would entail.

I made a rhubarb mulberry crisp and we ate some of the spinach for lunch. It was all delicious. Local organic produce!


Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Just One of those things


I needed to go back to the doctor for an ultra sound this morning. I was fortunate that it is just one of those things and nothing serious. On Friday my provider commented, “I do not think it is a real problem, because I do not see anything wrong. But I would feel so badly if I let something serious percolate and not check it out.”

I got the earliest appointment that I could. So now it is a relief to know that I do not need to be concerned.

It is something to go to the office. Inside the door, in this building that has multiple offices, they stopped me. I was asked a serious of three health questions, asked where I was going in the building and if I had an appointment,  had temperature taken, and was given a sticker to show that I had stopped at the entrance. I had my mask on both times, but I think they had spare masks for those without. There was only one other person in the very large waiting area. It was requested that I come alone, so no family members hanging around.

Now I just have to figure out how to do my videos for the library and my stress with abate. Today for the first time, I was able to do the screen shot video in the way I wanted, but I cannot open my video to see what it looks like. I do not know what to do about tech things. I am not so comfortable pushing more buttons or sometimes I go a little crazy and push too many without letting the last finish its task, consequently things get bogged down.


Monday, May 4, 2020



This morning we saw a groundhog. For a little while I was afraid it dash to its hole and dive in. Instead it seemed to waddle closer to the hole only to stop at a bush that was growing along the fence. It stretched up, pulled down a twig or branch, chopped it off, and proceeded to start gnawing on the end. Could this be breakfast?

I was quite pleased to see this. For some reason I thought groundhogs ate grubs or maybe even small rodents.

We also see many lilacs starting to bloom as well as other beautiful flowering trees. It is quite refreshing to see this things evolve. On our walk we also see the early spring flowers. Such nice surprises of color!

The sun is coming around earlier and staying later. For some reason I am also amazed by that even though it has happened every year of my life. Now when we wake and open the curtains light floods the room.

We walked at another park on Saturday. While there we saw May apples as well as three other flowers that we could not identify. Later we decided, after doing some research that one of them was a red trillium. It was quite a deep color in both the flowers and the leaves. We also spotted some raspberry bushes that we hope to remember to come back to when the time is right to pick berries.


Sunday, May 3, 2020

Cleaning Up


Can it really be May? We once again went to church online. Not as good as in person, but I like seeing all the greetings of worshipers before the service. It certainly gives a connected feeling. Who knew this new fangled stuff (technology) would be the way we worship God with a community?

Once again the church book club met via the Internet. It is so nice to see others faces and hear their voices and opinions of the book we read. Still not a fan of ebooks, but it does allow us to read the same book at the same time because the libraries are closed to the public.

In the afternoon Leroy and I headed out to participate in a trash/litter pickup in the neighborhood that the church is in. It is within easy walking distance so I picked out two close blocks for us to do. I did not think it would take us very long as the last time I cleaned up our block it was a much simpler job. Somehow I thought that neatness would extend into the next neighborhood, but not so. It took us more than two hours to get this done. We were plenty tired by the time we got home.

On the plus side, beside the satisfaction of doing a job that needed to be done to help the community, we got to visit with some others from a distance. One couple was cleaning up across the street and we came a bit closer to have some garden talk. A man driving by in his vehicle stopped to tell us how much he appreciated our efforts. He was head of the local neighborhood association and he said if our church did it again he would like to invite neighbors to join in the effort.

I personally think that sounds good, because the two colleges in our neighborhood provide much student energy to get the job done. There is almost a pep rally to start the cleaning effort. It seems to propel the group forward. Today not very many of us worked on this effort, but there were at least 12 bags of trash collected so it was well worth it.


Saturday, May 2, 2020

What Happens When?


Our stimulus checks, with direct deposit, came, just when I was thinking it was not going to happen. Now the question is how to spend them and what makes the most positive impact for the most vulnerable economic people in this area.

Leroy, with consultation, ordered a new teapot. We are certainly looking forward to its arrival. It certainly is not two day shipping as it has been a week now. The teapot we are using requires a towel under it to catch drips. It is also imperative not to fill it beyond a certain place or it is even more likely to spew out copious amounts of tea in the first cup that is poured. We do not use the cozy on it because it very quickly became a tea stained, saturated item. That means the tea is cold much sooner than the time it takes us to finish the tea in the pot. Can you tell I am not a fan of this pot? I know it is a small thing in the whole of life, but…

This morning Leroy washed three more window screens, while I washed three more windows. Making the total finished six clean and sparkling windows. We do not want to get too carried away and sap our enthusiasm by doing ten at once.

While we had a window open this morning a bumble bee flew in and went to the bathroom window, flapping wildly to get out. Unfortunately that was one of the windows that already had a screen. Leroy kept an eye on this visitor while I fetched a small jar and a slightly stiff paper to slip under it. I gingerly advanced on this critter, held the jar out at arm’s length, captured it on the sill, and slide the paper under while it frantically tried to escape. Leroy opened doors for me as I held tight to the jar and paper. I could feel it beating against the sides of the jar or paper. Outside I held the jar as far away from me as I could, placed it on the surface, and took the paper away. The poor creature tried to go out the wrong end for a little bit before it zoomed out the open end and away. So happy! I did not want that bee to sting me.


Friday, May 1, 2020

Friday that seems like Saturday


More than once today, Leroy talked about what day of the week it is. He is not working on Friday and somehow the day has become Saturday in our minds. At any rate we took the afternoon off for a little car trip. We returned about half of our books to the Ely Library where we could also get some seeds from the seed library.

When I was emptying the bags at home, I forgot about the seeds being in there. We got three envelops of seeds. One of them was not secured very well and seeds fell scattered on the carpeting which hid them very well. I kept moving my hand over the surface while Leroy hunted for a flashlight. I believe we found most of them by the time we were done.

We went to a state park that is close to Ely. We had not been there for some time. It was great to sit and look at the water and people from a distance. The path on the dam is quite wide so we walked across it. On the way back I noticed a younger woman who had two children with her than I saw that she was talking to a third. I thought she moved like one of the Ely library patrons. I called out her first name thinking that if she did not respond it would not be her. She did look up and seemed quite pleased to see me.

We chatted for quite some time with good social distancing and the wind whipping past us to take any droplets a long distance away. We library workers have often commented that we should be social workers or counselors. This woman almost immediately started talking about her life situation which is not so good at the moment. As Leroy said later, “She was ok to have me hear it as well.”

I am not really a counselor, but I do find that very satisfying when people feel safe enough to share their issues with me. I guess it helps me to feel worthwhile.


Happenings in My Smaller World


I have decided to use my mother’s china more frequently. I like the pattern which is very simple. There are two drawbacks to using it: it is not to be put in the dishwasher, but I do not have one here so that does not matter, also it is not for use in the microwave and I like to warm things up on the plate that I eat it from. Yesterday I dropped and broke a small plate while doing dishes. Leroy wondered, “Will you stop using it now?”

After some reflection, I decided to use it as often as I wanted. Just sitting on a shelf or in a box really does not help the world be a better place?

This morning I went to the community garden and dug every dandelion that I spotted. I had hoped to eat some of them, but they still did not appeal with their low lying leaves. Leroy read on the Internet that there are multiple varieties of dandelion. These are just not my eating favorite. It I were hungry with no other source of food, I would be working on them.

I did my morning stretch live again this morning. I believe that no one was watching. One of my friends, who came to the library all the time to participate, told me that he liked this because he could do it later in the day. I personally would find someone who has a professional looking tape. At the library, I did have a fairly loyal group of between seven and thirteen people. Part of the joy of it was our interactions with each other and that is not there now.

I got a notice from my step tracker that I have a Nile badge which means I have walked the same number of miles that the Nile meanders through, 4,132. Since I have never seen the Nile I really do not know the force of its movement. I wish I knew what year this tracking started. But I am pleased to still keep on putting one foot in front of the other. These days of less work time have certainly given me time for more stepping.
