Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Simply trying to get gas


I got a hair cut this morning. Because I like to combine trips I planned to stop at two stores and the gas station as well. I checked gas buddy for the cheapest local price. It was not truly on my route, but just beyond my home, so not a big deal to get there.

The hair cut was as expected and took little time. The hair cutter commented on how beautiful my curly hair is. Since I am not used to such statements, I wonder, improving with age?

Then I headed off to donate some things at Goodwill and check availability of anything that might appeal to me. Not much time was spent there because shopping with no item in mind is not so appealing to me. Then I moved on to the co-op grocery store where I had a $5 discount if I spent $25 or more. Well, I managed to find $35 worth of items that we “needed”. As I came home, pulled into the garage, and after unpacking my purchases I realized that I had not gotten gas. That is an important purchase because I go to work tomorrow morning. Getting gas then is not in the rushed schedule.

It seemed I should go back out while thinking of it. When I got out to the garage I discovered that a truck with a large trailer was right in back of the garage door. The driver was still sitting in the truck. When questioned, he told me, “I will be here a while as I am cleaning out this place.” swinging his head to the empty house across the alley. We agreed I would try to get out, if I could not manage he would move. He started to move before I was sure I could not swing the car clear of the garage supports.

On the road there were many cars which required some long waits at two stop lights. I was happy to get that vehicle fueled so I could comfortably drive to work even though I might have burned up any saving waiting for the lights to turn.

It seemed like a good idea to park on the street in front of the house when I returned. I would not interfere with any activity in the back. Later when I noticed the alley was clear, I put the car in the garage.


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