Yesterday I decided to change the time
on our alarm sounding bedroom clock because it was almost ten minutes fast. This
old clock is a challenge to adjust as the buttons are small and close to each
other. Often when changing the time with the twice yearly changes it takes much
patience and redoing before it is ok. Yesterday I felt quite lucky as it was
quite smooth slipping into the new minutes as if it knew where it was going.
This morning the alarm when off as
anticipated. Both of us got up and started our morning routine. About fifteen
minutes later Leroy looked at his phone to charge it when he declared, “My
phone has the wrong time, it is only 5:13. Do you think someone thought it was a
time change?”
I too thought that was quite strange,
checked my phone and it also had the time as Leroy’s phone. About five minutes
later I checked another clock in the house to discover that it agreed with the
phones. “Oh no, I must have changed the hour without realizing it yesterday!” I
At that point we were quite awake and
started on the day so we just continued. It allowed us a bit more leisure time
in our morning. Leroy changed that clock to the proper time even though he
dislikes messing with it. I suspect he thought I was not to be counted on to
get it to that later hour. I guess we could say we changed time zones without
leaving the house.
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