Saturday, September 28, 2019

Clean Room


Because we both had the day off and some rain was predicted, it seemed like a nice idea to deep clean a room. Starting early is great because then we are done early. However the glasses place called to let Leroy know that his glass could be picked up. They were putting the lens in his old frames so he had to make an appointment. He has been waiting anxiously for those glasses so this morning early was selected. We are cleaning the spare room which is where Leroy uses the closet to hang his clothes as well as have some on the shelves. He got everything out of the closet before he left. When cleaning, I am grateful for the small closets in this 100 year old house. At least we cannot pack away so much stuff.

In the closet, I wiped down the ceiling and the walls, as well as the shelves. I followed that with the vacuum on the floor. Because I do not know where all of his things go, I did not put anything back, instead moved on to taking things off the walls in the bedroom. Then it was on to taking things off the dressers.

Leroy came home much sooner than I expected. It only took half an hour instead of an hour to get the job done. He was pleased although some brain adjustment is required for the new focus points. We both have new glasses now so there are no excuses in this house for not seeing.

With Leroy putting things back in the closet, I continued to take out other things. We both worked on moving any of the heavier furniture. Because the dressers have Leroy’s clothes in them and his big stamp collection he was in charge of putting it all back. We are both pleased to have accomplished this task. We will have a guest in two weeks. Leroy said, “We can tell her that we had the ACE cleaners come to prepare for her.”


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