Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Stopping Running Water


Who knew that the gift of stopping running water could be so great? We have been having trouble getting the water turned off in our kitchen sink. Sometimes it took some serious patience to get it in the right spot. I kept thinking that it should be tightened, but Leroy, who had helped Clark install it, said there was no way to tighten it. Instead a new part would have to be purchased. Leroy did comment that when he was not so busy he would work on it. Somehow all of that sounded quite remote and not to likely to happen to my ears.

Yesterday our downstairs friends had the local “handyman” fixing something. When they asked if we needed anything while he was there I told about the uncooperative facet handle. In what seems like no time at all we had a sink that was off and no drips. What a great thing! I could have danced a jig. I could live with that possible drip but it did not enrich my life.

Now to go to a totally different subject, I had set it up so our credit card bill is paid automatically. The bill should have been paid Monday; however I had not gotten an email notice that it had been. I get those notices for other bills when they are paid. In a panic I gathered my number, the name of the person who set up the transfer for me, the confirmation number, and the phone number of the company. After inputting my number it informed me that the bill had been paid. Such a relief! I kept telling myself to calm down with remarks that it is only money and not a life or a limb belonging to someone I love.

Something to look forward to, Sarah and her girls with come visit tomorrow. I had planned to pick them up, but will work instead. So Leroy will have the pleasure of picking them up at the airport. I never would have thought that my family would be so involved in flying around, but I am grateful for the possibilities.


Monday, July 22, 2019

School Reunion


Saturday, I went to my high school reunion. It was for all the alumni. Unfortunately only two others from my class were there. Fortunately my school was small and I knew a number of the people who attended from other classes. It was great to see four of my former teachers. All but one of them remembered me. I also found it interesting to see that they did not look so old because when they taught they were old.

I was also pleased to reconnect with some of my cousins on my mother’s side of the family. It is not often that I see these people since only one of them lives in the area although all of us are within driving distance.

Leroy went along and he dealt with it all ok even though he knows no one. He managed to visit with some people in spite of them being strangers. It was so noisy that we did not stay too late, plus I had talked with everyone that I knew by sight or nametag. It was often a process of getting close enough to someone’s ear so they could hear. Not complaining here just noting the difficulty of talking in a room with all who are trying to be heard and the volume keeps rising.

I was once again struck by how beautiful this part of the country is. I had not been there for some years. I love those hills covered with woods. It is not easy for me to think about leaving this part of the Midwest.


Sunday, July 21, 2019

Old Garden Bag


Leroy and I went to the community garden. This year we have not been very active in working there so I have not felt as comfortable harvesting. However at the last neighborhood meeting it was announced that green beans were ready. Often people do not come at the right time so we went. In just four plants we had picked enough for a nice meal tonight. We also picked a turnip that was almost totally above ground. It needed rescuing, right? The kohlrabi was in the same rescuable state. They are home now waiting for some more attention.

I have an old backpack that I use when going to the garden. It did belong to son Brian a long time ago. I can’t remember if he threw it in the garbage the year he graduated from high school or college, but I think that was the first. I thought it was in much too good a shape to toss so I pulled it out of the refuse pile. At some point I even sent it in to the company to fix since they have a lifetime guarantee. They replaced one of the zippers. It went to Slovakia with me where I used it almost daily. I have used it almost always when I could walk to a store. Since we have lived in this place I have acquired a new bag, but still kept the old. It goes to the garden with me. I keep it loaded with a paring knife, various sized bags, and a pair of garden gloves. The zipper still works, the leather bottom is still strong, however; it looks tired. Glad I rescued this bag for a longer life of usefulness. That is a great recycle story. Now if I could manage to do that with a few other things in my life, the world would be a different place.


Saturday, July 20, 2019

Hot Day


Leroy and I went out at the crack of dawn to do some work on weeds outside, not to help weeds, but to eliminate. I dead headed some flowers and watered anything whether it looked thirsty or not.

It was great to be outside and not feel overwhelmed by the hot humid air. It was not cool, but better than it will be. I was also upset when I saw the amaryllis that I plant outside for the summer had been attacked by some critter that tore off the leaves and chewed on the top of the bulb. I did not even see the fourth bulb or the leaves. My downstairs friend said, “Did you see that bulb I found the other day? I put in on the deck.”

Unfortunately I had not seen it. It could well have been the smaller amaryllis. I am sorry to see this destruction. All creatures must eat, but I only like to share certain things.

Last night Leroy and I took a long walk. It was great to walk under trees and in open areas where the breeze was wafting through. I was happy to get my 10,000 steps in spite of the sweat dripping off my chin. Amazing how cool it felt to go inside where the AC was working without a problem. It almost seemed cold. Adjustments, adjustments!

We are going to my hometown for the all school reunion. I will also visit with my brother and his family. Some of the reunion activities are to be outdoors. Hopefully that will be in the shade. I am a bit concerned about that. If there is too much sun, I will have to leave and just consider it a visit with my brother. I am not sure why but it reminds me that our parents and sister have died. So a bit sad to think about the changes, even if many of them are an expected part of life.


Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Forgotten Things


Leroy forgot to clean out his bottom desk drawer at church. On the way home from the museum, where he worked a half day, he stopped at the church and finished leaving the job. Apparently most of the things just needed to be eliminated one way or another. He did not bring home much on this trip. I am grateful for that as there were a number of items that now need a home around here. For example: a mug, note pads, a few books, his alb (which my mother made), and a few clergy shirts that he is pondering the question of will he use them again? One shirt will be gone because it is not in such good shape. The others are fine, but how many shirts does a retired pastor need? Depends on what the future holds.

Leroy rode his bike to work which was fine until he was ready to leave the church. It looked quite dark with a storm threatening, but he thought he could make it. About two blocks from the church it started to rain lightly. He still felt he could make the distance of less than a mile. That was not a thought that came true. In just a little distance more, the heavens opened and it started to dump on him. Now he tells me that he feels it made not much difference which direction he went so he kept coming home. By the time he got here he called up the stairs that I should give him a towel. He tells me that he even had to wring out his underwear. I guess you would call that soaked to the skin. His tennis shoes were water logged, but we recalled that Brian had told us to stuff newspaper in them to wick it out. It is not instant, but over time and changes of newspaper it works.

Leroy figures he now needs adventure in his life, hence riding through a storm.


Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Retirement Thoughts

I wrote this incase I was asked to say something at the retirement reception, but it was not that type of reception. More of a “greet and mingle” type. So I am sharing with you so all my work goes for something

What is it like to be married to someone whose life has been immersed in the church for 48 years?

Upon learning that Leroy intended to pursue a career in the ministry I wondered if it could work, because every pastor I knew was a talkative soul. Considering the options for failure I still decided to take a chance on this quiet guy. As it turns out, there is a place for the quiet, thoughtful preacher, especially one who is willing to learn new things and try new places and possibilities.

I can say that Leroy has improved with age and my assistance. His grammatical structure was a problem when I first met him. The English teacher in me leaped into action. Now he hardly ever confuses his subject and verb agreement.

In churches where he was all the staff except the weekly custodian, he learned to do almost everything from regular pastoral duties, getting the bulletin together weekly, answering the phone, and plunging the toilet if necessary. However, he quickly learned to stay out of the kitchen as it was the “New Holy of Holies” that he had not been taught about in seminary.

My children learned, at a young age, to answer the parsonage phone with a set script. I had a little more flexibility. Often people would assume that I knew much more information than Leroy shared. I became a master at “hum or oh”.

Most at home duties were in my corner. Retirement might be a challenge as Leroy is perhaps expecting to have more say in where the toilet paper is stored.

We are grateful for the time that Leroy has had official responsibilities here at First Lutheran. It has allowed him to still have some good people time in his life.


Monday, July 15, 2019

Leroy's Retirement


Leroy’s retirement from active ministry or church work is officially today. He is at church doing the final clean sweep of his office. He has gotten rid of most of his books. The current intern took some and another seminary student that he knows took some more. He was fussing a little about his files. He has considered getting rid of most of them. I do not believe he has very many. After I told someone he did not reuse sermons, he now tells me that he is keeping some of his, or what he considers his best sermons, so he can pull them out if required. I suspect what would happen is that he would pull it out and change quite a bit of it before delivery.

We will remain in this church so he will have to be vigilant to not interfere or contribute in any way that might be considered official. Last night he was talking to someone about upcoming surgery and getting all of the details in place. I, in my head, wondered what he was doing. I suspect the person there also wondered because she told him that one of the other pastors knew about it. Finally this morning I talked to Leroy about it. He was a bit horrified. He commented that he had not even heard her say about the other pastor knowing about it. Last night he was concerned because he had not seen it on the church office calendar. This will be a learning experience for all. Any other time we have left a congregation we have moved so there is no close connection.

Going back to those files, Leroy is wondering where we can store them. Just now I realized we can take things out of the bottom two drawers of the file cabinet since they are not files, but just items stored there.

Also a random thought. Leroy has served this congregation for five years making it the third longest stay. The longest stay was for fifteen years and the next for eight.

How lives all differ. Yesterday I was talking to a woman who has lived in her house for 40 years. I do not know what that would be like.

This is a picture of Leroy and I after the evening worship service and the celebration for him.


Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Volunteering Again


I volunteered at the neighborhood meals again. On my walk there I saw about a half block away, three teenage boys, or perhaps a little older, goofing around. One of them yelled, “Hey!”

I looked over, but kept walking my way. “Hey!” I heard again then “Hey, Babe!” followed by “Hey, Babe, where ya going?”

I just kept walking and did not even bother to wave. I suspect if he had been closer he would not have called me babe, but rather Granny. I have been told by someone who knows me that I walked like a young girl. Now if I could just back into rooms, no one would know how old I am. It is the face that gives it away.

Our church helps with the meals three weeks in the summer. I have now worked twice. Sarah will be here for the last week so I will not do this again this year. There were not so many people today, about 50 less than last time. Unfortunately that makes the planning difficult; fortunately that is not my job. I served food today, fruit cocktail to be precise. There were left over bananas so some people had three fruits, because there was also pineapple. Many of the people who come have several children in tow. I do not know if economically they need the food or if it is because it is so helpful to have someone else fix it and serve it. Anyone can come and eat, no questions asked.

Even though it is warm again it was a nice walk because there are so many large trees that shade my way and the breeze was blowing. With the sun out it was a treat to be out.


Monday, July 8, 2019

Leroy Home


Leroy is home today because he put in so many hours at the museum last week. His back or leg does not feel so good, consequently he will go to the chiropractor later, but this morning he helped me deliver the last of the newsletters. It was great to be out in the cool morning air. I enjoy looking at the flowers in the neighborhood.

Most of the lawns in the area are not as pristine as is true of many other places in the USA. I like this however, because I assume they have not had fertilizer or weed killer added. The monarch butterflies were out this morning and yesterday as well. More and more people are randomly growing milkweed. Yeah for weeds!

Yesterday, as I came home from church, I happened to see a woman out on her porch. I complimented her on her flowers, most of which were in pots. She beamed as she said, “My husband likes flowers.” Then she proceeded to talk about quite a few of the plants.

In the afternoon, Leroy and I picked the black raspberries along the bike trail. Since the amount was so small, we will not go again this year. On the way home we visited with someone who has done a great job of adding some flowers to their landscape. She also beamed when I complimented her on it.

Sometimes I wonder why I feel that God has wanted us in this neighborhood when I do not see what I am supposed to do. Perhaps it is greeting people and giving compliments about the efforts they make. It does not seem like much, but I do not know the ramifications of such.


Saturday, July 6, 2019

Delivering Newsletters


This morning I did another batch of newsletters. Morning was the better choice compared to the hot afternoon. Besides the temps being a bit lower there were some breezes. I do talk to random people from time to time on these delivery forays. This morning I talked with a guy walking his dog. First he told me that he would like to come to the meetings but he works on Thursday when we hold the meetings. He told me that he likes trout fishing and soon he will be able to do more of that as he is retiring from both of his jobs. A woman yesterday also told me she would like to come to the meetings, but works on Thursday nights. I do know there are many who do not work on Thursday, but still do not manage to come. Habits of staying home are hard to break.

I also spoke this morning with a neighbor whose twin granddaughter’s are at risk in uterus. His daughter is now in the hospital and they are trying to delay birth. It is good to get out in the area and visit with people. I am often surprised at how much people talk when they do not know me. Maybe having the newsletter in hand makes me a safe person to talk with.

There is still a group of deliveries to make. I had thought Leroy might help me, but I might do it alone as we want to pick berries again tomorrow and I want to go shopping with help from Leroy to try to pick out some curtains and rods. After church there is only so much time and energy in the day. I could deliver the last of the newsletters Monday morning before I go to work. That might even be the coolest choice.


Friday, July 5, 2019

Hot and Hotter


Even though it is so hot out, lately 90 + seems to be the normal high, we often bask in air conditioned comfort. Both of us find our work places have temps much cooler than we would like, but home is about right.

The year I took classes in the summer for my library degree was the worst. The library classrooms were often cooled to the 50’s. We students all wore jeans and sweatshirts. Once before a test when the professor had not yet come, someone checked the temp and learned that it was 51. I started doing jumping jacks to try to warm up my hands so they could write. I did get 100% on that test. The person who graded it complimented me on that because she had only had one other person in a few years manage to do that. I suspect it was the jumping jacks feeding the brain with blood.

At the time we did not have air conditioning in our house. I would strip off my winter clothes before the drive home. One of my classmates commented that the best part of the day was sitting in the hot car. Our house was often above 80 degrees. At night we would have a fan set up to pull in the cool night air, but it would not get cold by any means. During the day it would heat up in spite of careful shade and window monitoring. I remember not feeling well much of the time. Could spending so much time in extreme temperatures day after night, cause illness?

Other summers we lived there, we would adjust to the heat and it did not seem as bad because we were rarely in such low temperatures. People would complain about the heat and I often wondered what they were talking about.


Thursday, July 4, 2019

Volunteering = satisfaction


Once again, Leroy and I handed out water at the 4th of July race in our city. With the temperature warm/hot and humidity high, it was a very necessary task. Even with the early morning start some people were starting to be a bit stressed by the exertion combined with the heat, water was necessary for life. It is great to do some volunteering that feels so important. When we were first asked to help about four years ago, I did not think it would feel so seriously needed, but I find that it is indeed. We fill paper cups ahead of time, hold cups on the flat of our hand so they can be grabbed easily, dash to the supply table get a refill, hold, dash, hold dash, and pick up cups that are on the ground as most runners just drop them. Some put them in my stack of cups as I was picking them up, obviously they are not serious about making time, however I still felt that they did not need to do that.

There was a policeman standing at our corner. When most of the runners had done the trip out, but not the trip back, a car came up the non full of runners side. When they pulled up to the intersection, the policeman stopped them and directed them to another street.

Later, I went over and thanked him for doing that, telling him, “When I saw that, I thought, what are they doing?”

With a laugh he said, “I thought the same thing.”

“I was glad to see you direct them away. I was not comfortable saying anything. Thank you.” I added.

“That is why I am here.” he said.

I suspect about 20 people helped with this water effort. We shared a little brunch afterwards. That is nice too. I now know a man who is an even more serious recycler than I am. He came prepared to recycle almost everything that was used. Glad to meet people like that.


Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Picking More Raspberries


This morning I went out fairly early to pick raspberries and mulberries that grow along the bike trail. Excitement reigned as I found many more black raspberries than I expected. I even refrained from eating because I wanted to show off for Leroy the amount that I was able to get in my bucket. It is probably a quart or more. The mulberries were not as plentiful or my enthusiasm waned because I did not get so many of them, perhaps just a pint or a bit more.

As I was picking, a young dog walking woman stopped to ask, “What are you picking?”

She was so pleased and bubbly when I showed her the mulberries and raspberries. She had not known about black raspberries at all. Even though she knew the words mulberry tree, she did not know what a mulberry tree was. She said, “I have a five year old daughter. I will bring her here to pick some of these. She will like that.”

She wondered where I lived. When I told her she exclaimed, “So far!”

Amazing, I think it is close, although I now have over 4000 steps. The mulberries are almost finished for the year. Some of the more shaded raspberries will produce for a little while longer.

Leroy is going to work Friday and Saturday so I will probably come back by myself. It is nice to have a helper, but I can still manage to have a good time enjoying nature including birds. Leroy and I must walk a little out of the normal path of life in the United States because we are often doing things that others do not do and some do not even know about the possibility.
