Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Winter Weather


Last night Leroy and I did not want to shovel, or scrape off the wintery mix that came down in torrents at times. This morning we got out, but it was quite hard work as it was stuck to the sidewalk. We cleared the front walk where the public goes by and Leroy opened up a bit of the space in back of the garage. I assured him I would get back out later in the day.

First I went shopping after I knew commute traffic would be gone. On the main street through town it was quite fine. The flat alley was not bad either. I even went to three stores and got some errands done.

After I came home I went out to clear more off the sidewalk out to the garage and the sidewalk by the side of the house and out to the street. Before I got that done I had to take a break and have some lunch. The warm was melting quite a bit, but more pounding was needed to make it passable. Before I could get back, my downstairs friend had down quite a lot, but I helped her finish that before I headed back to the garage and alley.

Especially after she told me it is to snow or rain again tomorrow I tackled the alley with new resolve. It now looks quite fine.

I just looked at the prediction. I am not sure that I will be going to work tomorrow as it looks quite serious and covers much of the day. I had planned to work the next three days to make up some of my time, but I may just manage the last two when there is to be no precipitation.

It was so strange while I was working on the alley something started lightly hitting my head. Looking around I saw it was snow or ice pellets. In a bit there was a flash of light. My neighbor who was out saw me look up and called, “That was lightening.”

In a bit the roll of thunder confirmed it. Such times we have.


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