Thursday, February 7, 2019

Changing Mind and Clothes


Last night Leroy was of the opinion that we should not shovel anymore because it was too much wet and it might be easier when it froze in the morning.

We got up promptly, dressed in snow shoveling clothes, and went out to tackle the stuff on the sidewalk. Leroy chopped a little while and made little progress. I could brush the snow off the top, but not touch the bottom layer with the shovel. At that point he again decided that we should wait.

I cancelled yoga at the library, but assumed that I would go to work anyway. I ate breakfast did morning chores, texted my boss and told her I was planning to come to work, but how were the roads? “Just wait,” she replied, “the roads were terrible last night.”

Reports made it sound like it was not so bad at that time so I put on my work clothes. Leroy headed off a mile to church using the car instead of walking because he had an appointment later in the morning.

In a bit my boss informed me that, “the black top is not good with many cars in the ditch.”

Off came my work clothes. Mid morning I went out to try to shovel or chop or do what might help. That required a change of clothes. The temperature was falling and I had hoped to act just before it froze creating a clear path for the coming snow. Unfortunately it was so much work that I only managed a path to the garage, came in and changed out of the outdoor clothes. Later when it was about time for Leroy to come home I again put on those outdoor clothes and tried unsuccessfully to get ice off the incline into the garage. Leroy managed to line the car up in a good position since the neighbors across the alley were gone so he just pulled right on it. I helped him finish getting the ice off the windows of the car. Then it was back inside and change clothes once more.

We have tickets to a music event tonight, but we are seriously considering not going. Even though it is so close, maybe 2-3 miles, it still does not seem exciting to go out.


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