Saturday, February 2, 2019

Winter Driving


Two mornings ago it was -26 on our thermometer. The official low for this city was -31. It must just be hot by our house. Leroy drove to the church instead of walking. I went work at 9:00 instead of 8:00 for Yoga. It seemed it was to be warming, but it was not much comfort at -18 when I left. My boss told me I could stay home, but I thought the rising temps would make it all ok, plus I have a lot of work that I am almost behind on.

Again almost as soon as I got on the interstate there were cars slowing for an accident ahead. I thought about getting off, but two lanes were moving at a slow steady pace so I stuck with the course. I soon saw emergency lights in the approaching lanes. Another accident seemed to be there. I never did pick up speed as many people did, but just felt safer at five miles under the speed limit.

In the detached garage the car’s temp read 4 above zero, but it dropped steadily as I was outside. I stopped looking when it got down to -13. By that point I was a bit unhappy with the strong wind that was there. Our house is so sheltered. Do cars notice wind chill?

We were to get 1-2 inches of snow later in the day; however at 10:00 in the morning big, beautiful flakes were coving the sidewalk by the library. Even though it seemed it should stop soon it did not. I finally left at 2:00 which was a little early. The road was fine for driving, but I saw four cars in the ditch or abandoned by the side of the road. I suspect the snowfall was closer to 4 inches.

Again I drove carefully on the S curve on the interstate. It is dangerous because of the curve and that it is up in the air so moisture freezes on it very easily. To get home every road I thought of has a hill so I again just stayed the course. I was so happy to get home safely.

Now just two days later our temperature is 46. Crazy!


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