Sunday, January 27, 2019

Still Cold


When Leroy first looked at the temperature outside it was -2. By the time we were ready to walk to church it was -5/6. Seems to me that is going in the wrong direction. One good thing was that there was virtually no wind. I did not wear my long underwear because I thought it might be too warm in church. Leroy did not wear his because he forgot. Our legs were a bit cold. Leroy’s perhaps more than mine because he had on thinner dress pants. I wore jeans. We were both happy to arrive at church.

I wore my taller boots, but it was great to see that most people had cleared their walks. Only at some of the curbs did we have to step over or through some deep snow. Sometime years there is a lot more snow at the curbs, but this time it was well taken care of.

We left the laptop at church, but will take it home today. The lights on the modem looked good, but sometimes that is not a good indication that it will work. I do not have time to go to church on Monday. The laptop it can show that it is getting the full signal and still not work. We hope for a cure in the future. Certainly if it is not working we will call our provider to let them know.

I am certainly grateful that the furnace and the electricity work in the house. Yesterday I thought I had blown a fuse in the kitchen so Leroy dutifully went through the outside basement door to flip switches. After he was down there I realized that I had unplugged a power strip. At least he did not get mad at me only a little disgusted for that early morning venture into the cold.

I am also grateful that the cars have just started without difficulty. And they have heaters that work. What a good thing. Just think of all that technology that can work in many temperature extremes.


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