Monday, January 14, 2019

More of that exciting Saturday


At work, I was pleased I remembered that the outdoor book drop was back before I took off my boots. Unfortunately the sidewalk by the library had not been shoveled, but I did not take the time to do it as I was not early.

It surprised me how many patrons came on this slippery, snowy day. Because of the new software many things take me a bit longer than usual. We also update patron information each year so I had to do that. It now involves more steps. I apologized to several because of the length of time it took me to get the job done. Also I found I was talking to myself to work my way through the steps. It seemed to me that everything was correct when I was done. With this new software there is no hiding who did it as we have to sign in with our name rather than a generic name.

An upset Leroy called at some point to tell me that he had lost one of the store credit cards. Almost an hour later he called to tell me that he had found it by going back to a previous store. He was almost euphoric with relief.

All day the snow visibly continued. However it was not so very heavy. People kept my alerts up because they kept talking about how slippery the road was. I wondered, “Should I see if one of my in town coworkers could come and I could leave early?”

One kind patron, who left about 45 minutes before closing, got a shovel and shoveled around my car so I could just drive right out.

On the way home I drove slowly again even though the plow had been there and I could see the road, but there were still patches of snow or slush. When I got to the interstate a police car was going up the ramp ahead of me when he put his flashing lights on. “What?” I wondered.

In a bit he pulled over and I sat a car way down in the ditch. Even though my trip on the interstate is short, perhaps two or three miles there were three cars in the ditch.

What a relief to get to the garage. I had called Leroy before I left work so he had shoveled in front of it, but I still did a bit of slipping on the incline before the tires got on the garage floor.


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