Sunday, January 20, 2019

Feeling Good


Leroy spoke with a person from his pension fund and learned some things that will happen when he officially retires from the church. I was also on the phone so I was able to get a question answered as well. Things seem to be going into place, at least in our minds. Too bad they cannot answer a question about where we should live. Leroy will start to receive social security in February because he turns 70 in that month. This year, because he is retiring from church work, he will have to take a minimum distribution from his pension fund. I will still be working part time as will Leroy still be working at the museum. We are planning to work at least another year, but who knows? We do like working. Somehow we need to have work time and flexible time. Sometime a perfect plan might come to us.

Yesterday we went to a movie in the theater. Something we have not done in a long time. For our pre and post birthday part, even though we had said no gifts, we got a gift card for the theater. We both enjoyed our choice of The Upside. We had checked earlier about going, but could not agree on a film we might both like.

I have often found the volume of sound much too high in the theaters, so I took along ear plugs. As soon as the movie started the sound was quite loud so I popped in those ear plugs, however after a time I realized that I could not hear some of the quieter dialogue. I removed them and apparently I adjusted to the loud, because I did not notice it. There is more money on the gift card so we will go again when we find some agreement on a movie choice.


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