Saturday, November 3, 2018

Work, Work, Work!


Leroy and I came home from MN on Monday. I went to work about two hours after we got home. I then worked Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. No time to write with household things claiming my attention. Friday, I went shopping in the morning. In the afternoon I made sure the house was mostly shipshape so a friend could come and collect one of the violets.

It was wonderful to visit with her as we had not connected for a few years. Leroy had spread papers out on the table in the room where the violets were sitting in the window. I really wanted to pick them up but resisted the urge and more amazingly I resisted the urge to explain that Leroy had put them there and I was respecting his organization. Today Leroy and I did have some discussions about the issues represented by those papers and now all but two are filed or thrown. The two remaining will require a phone call on regular business hours.

Leroy will have a colonoscopy on Tuesday so he is adjusting his diet today, but not without complaining that there is no crunch in what he is eating. No seeds, no nuts, no fresh veggies, no fresh fruits, and no whole grains makes food that is hard to find in our house. However he is surviving. I keep reminding him it is only temporary.

I will have book club at church this Sunday. I had started the book before I left for MN, but I do not like to take library books with me in case I lose it. When I came home I forgot that I had not finished the book so now I am skipping and skimming. That is not my favorite way to read, but at least I have the basics of the story in my head.


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