Friday, November 9, 2018

Weather equipment


Snow on the ground with low temperatures did not seem too noticeable cold without wind. This afternoon the wind picked up. It was interesting to see what it felt like on our thermometer. I did not watch all the time but when I was close and the wind was strong it took the “feels like” numbers down quite a lot. For instance, right now the temperature is 23 and it feels like 17 with a fluctuating wind. I am not sure when it makes that conversion.

I delivered more of the neighborhood newsletter in spite of the knowledge of feels like cold. I am grateful for the new long underwear I bought that fits under my jeans without a problem. It is amazing how just two layers of clothing made it comfortable to take a few thousand steps. I did have to be careful in some places as there was ice underfoot. Luckily I could walk around most of it and only slipped once when I was not paying attention.

There are still some copies to deliver, but I was getting cold hands so I came home. We might finish it tomorrow or I can do it Sunday afternoon. Leroy is going to a retreat on Sunday so that would be only my job then. He is home tomorrow and we might get it done.

Leroy did not ride the bike today because he had some work to do for church that involved a bit more travel than he likes to do on the bike. Lucky him, he has a car that runs in hot or cold weather. Have you ever thought about how much variation in conditions/temperature the vehicles can tolerate? All those inventors have figured out a lot of things.


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