Sunday, November 11, 2018

Fall Day


Leroy left for a church staff retreat. He went early with one other person because they were going to hike. He fussed about what clothes to wear. Long underwear or not? Heaviest coat or not? Facemask or not? In the end he went with the “not” choice because it was almost nice on the walk home from church.

This weather is difficult to figure out. I went for a walk this afternoon and was almost too warm. At least I could shed my gloves and unzip my coat a bit.

I had put the potting soil in the house in preparation to planting some vines that had nice roots started. We generally keep the soil in the garage where it freezes or is really too cold and shocking for the cuddled houseplants. It was almost adventurous to be doing this potting outside in the sun. I also added some soil to a plant that is going to move to Leroy’s office when it is not too cold and he takes the car to church. Last year I put several plants in his office. One died and one was rather messy, dripping leaves on the floor and file cabinet. I still think he needs some green in there to lift his spirits as well as the spirits of his two office mates. Leroy shares his office with the intern and a volunteer who sends cards to members who have had a loved one die. I am not sure quite how it all works out, but Leroy says that he seldom sees the others. I do not know how many hours the volunteer is there and Leroy is half time as is the intern. Any way it all works out. What a great use of space. Not so wasteful.

Now it is quite cloudy. Amazing how sun helps me to feel warm and clouds the opposite. Is it all in the mind?


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