Friday, October 21, 2016

Time Escapes


Since we have been home from vacation, I feel that I can barely catch up. I will be working for the next two days with Sunday off. However on Sunday we go to church and then a concert in the afternoon. Hopefully I will relax while listening to music or at least be fully present which in itself is relaxing. Because I will also work Monday and Tuesday, it will be Wednesday before I once again have a full day off, but wait, I have a doctor appointment in the morning.

In DC we did one thing we had never done before. We visited the Pentagon. It was a walking tour with just minimal time to stop and read through the explanations on the displays. Apparently too many people like to take these tours and they keep them moving with a guide in front and a guide in back. The time and size of the group was also carefully regulated. No wandering off allowed. I did learn some things that I had not known before.

We also took a quick trip in the national arboretum. It is 400 acres so we saw but just a small piece of that which included the vegetable gardens and some ferns.

We always enjoy our visits to their neighborhood library where we can see how things work in a different place as well as find some books to read while we are there. We also tried to see Natalie play in a soccer game, but it was cancelled because of another activity in the park.

Stephen gave the sermon at his church and did a very fine job.


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