Tuesday, October 25, 2016



At Tai Chi this morning I managed to slip into my own world. I suspect that is how it is to be always, but usually I am too concerned about staying with the group. I started slower and just keep my own pace without trying to catch up. I was proud of myself for being able to remember the entire sequence on my own. It was all more meditative than usual. Now if I can learn to let go and capture that more frequently it will be great.

Today feels like fall with leaves falling quite regularly. The sound of leaves crinkling is a great soul soother as I walk around, consequently at the moment I am not bothered by people who do not rake. I remember raking leaves with the kids playing in the garden cart that at one point could hold all three of them. When I was growing up out on the farm we never raked leaves that I remember. The wind must have blown them away. On some levels we just let the earth be however it wanted.

Leroy went for an eye doctor appointment after having two therapy sessions. The doctor thought he was doing very well and would be able to get rid of the additional patch on his glasses in the near future. At his therapy he tells me that they flash lights which he has to find as well as words that are in a crowd of other words.

It keeps him hopping by going to work and go to all of these appointments, but he is managing quite well. One drawback is that he uses the car instead of the bike because of time and distance constraints. In the future it will be done, but then will it be so cold that he does not want to use the bike? We will see. He still walks to church several days a week so that keeps him moving.


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