Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The Road of Surprises


It was great to drive to work at noon Monday with the normal amount of traffic on the Interstate. I blended in happily thinking I was joining my usual friends. As I merged from there to highway 30 I noticed that the pickup truck in front of me was going five mph slower than I am accustomed to when I get on this stretch of road. Still following him, I put on my turn signal and got off on the exit ramp only to find the truck pulling over in front of me at the last possible second before he would have to go farther down the road. The ramp splits into two lanes before we get to a stop light. The truck chose first the left lane and then at the last minute swerved into the right lane. Both lanes are required to turn right.

I stayed in the left lane because I make a left turn at the next stop light which is quite close. After the first stop light that truck came over into the left lane only to make a sudden brake and turn all the way over to the right, cramped hard to make a u-turn, moved across in front of me, smiled as he went by in the lane facing me.

He must not have known what he wanted to do and just made all decisions while moving around. Because of all his moving around I had stayed back a ways so I was not in any danger, just astonished. Life is always full of surprises.


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