Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Walking Sticks


Leroy has not felt comfortable walking to church. This morning I took him and someone brought him home at noon. For tonight’s meeting he decided to use the walking sticks that he was given. Because he did not call for help, I am guessing that they helped quite a lot. It would be just like many people use a cane for balance, giving just a bit more stability.

We keep talking about going for a hike and using these sticks, but had not done it yet. I suppose we were waiting to take a long walk. I am looking forward to prying the full report out of Leroy. He does fairly well doing the day, but still gets tired quite quickly. He watched 44 minutes of a movie and declared that was enough. It is hard to learn a new skill, especially as our brains get older they are perhaps a bit less flexible.

I have mostly taken the day off, but feeling a bit of guilt because I did not go to the community garden today when the air was so cool and refreshing. Instead I stayed home and read some on the book for book club. Even though I have read 200 pages I do not find that I want to read the Education of Nancy Adams. Perhaps the next page will be better. I would have quit if I were not talking to others about this book. For some reason someone at the public library thought it was good enough to buy a set. It certainly has not taken my attention. Heavens, I am almost ready to go back to Harry Potter.


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