Friday, June 24, 2016

Brain Change


Leroy commented earlier in the week that his eyes felt “funny”. Yesterday he called me at work and asked if there was a yoga move for a bad sinus infection. I did not know of any.

Once home I learned that he could not focus his eyes any distance away and the near focus was only accomplished with difficulty. He said, “I was afraid to drive. Would you take me to the eye place for them to adjust my glasses?”

Adjusting his glasses helped not at all, but he got an appointment to see the dr. the next day. The odd thing was that he could see ok out of one eye, but not both. He had a slight headache and was dizzy once in a while.

With a downloaded audio book he managed to get through today. It seemed he was sick without feeling sick.

At the eye doctor he learned that his vision focus had changed. He has new glasses ordered. They will take a few days to arrive because as the person explained, “These have to be done to very precise measurements for them to work. They will take a bit of time.”

The doctor told Leroy, “This could happen because of a stroke, but you have indicated no symptoms, it could also be a brain tumor, but I do not see that. In some instances it just happens. You should make an immediate appointment next week to see your physician so they can check you out.”

He also told Leroy he had just been to conference on this very condition. So we feel confident that he is up on what it is all about. Too bad it is Friday evening because we will have to wait until Monday to contact the Dr. Office directly.

Leroy is now wearing an eye patch which he can put on whichever eye he feels is the best place. His eyes are still dilated consequently seeing is not his forte. He is ready to be a pirate.


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