Monday, June 27, 2016

Leroy and a dream


Leroy is about the same as the previous days. He does not move very fast, listens to books on tape, reads just a little, and gets tired quickly. He will go to work this afternoon as he can sit at the front desk and cover books which does not require quite so much intense eye work. Tonight he will work in the community garden, catching a ride to get there. Hopefully that will be just a day that can be managed with him and his one eye at a time.

This morning I had a dream where Leroy and I were in some country in Africa. I believe we were tourists. We were other people that I do not know in my waking life, but we knew in the dream. I had to stop and go to the bathroom. Leroy and the rest of the group went on. The bathroom was a rather large room with several people in it, but only one toilet. The other spot was a hole in the ground which some man was able to find a toilet that fit perfectly on it. When I came out of this strange place, my group had left me. I talked with some young girls who were outside. They said they would walk a ways with me. After they left I realized I had no clue where I was and I should call Leroy. I pulled up my phone only to discover it was not my phone. The bag with me was rather voluminous so I searched again and again, pulling out at least five phones that were not mine. A man stopped to help, but I could not remember Leroy’s phone number to call him.

I woke up about then. Leroy was already awake. He also does not know his phone number. We lay in bed and memorized his number. Hopefully now if I lose my phone and need to call him, I have the number in my head.


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