Sunday, March 29, 2015



Leroy and I made a quick visit to my sister and her family. It was a nice time to travel and a good visit. I guess one would say that my sister is doing as well as can be expected. We even took a little drive to see an eagle’s nest. Our small camera has a 20x zoom. So we could get a fairly decent picture of the nest. After we came home and put the picture on the computer and zoomed about 150 times more we could see the head of one of the parents. It is fun to be able to do that. We also saw their farm sheep out grazing and enjoying the outdoors. Of course we got some nice pictures of them.

On the walk to church this morning, we were both bundled up quite well. At least it did not rain on us as it seemed to be done with that. It did not seem much warmer on the walk home except for the wind at our backs instead of in our faces.

I am trying to read “One flew over the cuckoo’s nest” for our book club. I know that I read it when I was in college. Somehow it would seem that my reading skills are not the same as they once were. Perhaps it is my attitude that has changed. I now have to make myself read this book. I did not get a copy very early so that might be my excuse if I do not finish it which could very likely happen.

Leroy and I have been invited to a home for Easter. I asked what I could bring. They asked me to bring desert. Now my brain is scrambling, wondering what I can bring that has a maximum of health to share. I guess I will have to check on some recipes.


Here is that eagle's nest. Perhaps you can zoom on it alsol

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