Yesterday I got the car washed. It could
be called a rite of spring as I saw some other clean cars on the road. It was
so nice to be able to look at that clean car and know it was mine before I got
back in it. The only sad thing was that I drove through some of those tarry
balls they put in pot holes. No one was behind me so I went very slowly and
only heard a little of it ping up on the car. I am glad they are filling pot
holes, but I wish someone else had driven through there first, maybe someone with
a dirty car? Now if we can just get the other car cleaned we will be in good
Today was a special gathering at
church for other congregations in our synod. Leroy and I both were volunteers
at this event. Leroy did have to do a nursing home service so he was not there
the entire time. Because of that serviced he also drove the car, but I walked
both directions. I was a little tired at the end and thought about riding with him;
however I was happy that I did not as it was wonderful to be out in the
One fun thing about this event is that
I get to visit with people we have known in former churches. That is one of the
best things. It lifts my spirits. Hugs are great. I suppose I should get in the
habit of hugging people I see much more frequently.
After we came home Leroy went out and
dug in the dirt in our little raised bed garden in front of the house. Late last
year we planted some garlic or shallots out there. Leroy tells me that
something is showing some life. What a nice surprise. I thought it had just
died, never to be seen again. The winter onions are also showing green. Then there are some onion blubs that I have to
give to the neighbors or plant myself as they somehow did not attach to the
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