Saturday, March 21, 2015

Taxes are Done


Taxes are done, are we happy? Yes! We paid quite a bit, but we knew that would happen because we do not withhold enough. We use the money for the year and then turn it over. Also it is so hard to guess the right amount because Leroy’s income has varied so much this last year. At least he guessed high enough not to be penalized.

We met with two neighbors to make a list of vegetables to grow in the community garden. It is a long delicious list. I am looking forward to some wonderful harvest times. We did not get a hoped for grant, but one business in the neighborhood volunteered to buy some plants or seeds. It seems that gifts come from unexpected places. We need to be open to the possibilities.

Leroy was given a garlic chive so we will grow that at home here. Do you think it should have some space away from the regular chives? The chives and winter onions are looking good. There are also tulips poking out of the ground and the iris has green on it. Spring is here.

One day I looked out and saw a lone squirrel racing up the tree, stopping in the middle, turning its nose down, and racing down the tree. It did this crazy route at top speed about ten times. Then it ran around on the ground a few times before I had to stop watching. Surely that too is a sign of spring or something crazy is in the air.

Leroy made a check list of chores today. He was happy to cross off most of the list. He disposed of our defunct microwave. I had him save the glass in the bottom because I think it might be nice to put some plants on it rather than on the floor. The real question now is where to store it until next fall when I bring plants back in. Will I think of it, will I find it? I am optimistic because it is spring and hope abounds.


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