Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Small Victories


Life is full of small victories if we just savor them. I am always happy to travel safely. I was glad to get on the light rail in a timely manner. Miriam wanted to pick me up at a different stop than usual. She was giving a street number and my schedule only had names, but she was able to match her numbers with one of my names. I got to the stop first. It was great to have a light jacket with a hood in the brisk wind. I could have used a warmer coat, but I did not have to wait more than ten minutes so I was not truly uncomfortable.

This morning, I managed to walk with the girls, get the girls breakfast, and urge them to brush their teeth before we left the house. I thought we were getting a bit behind, but we were at school in plenty of time. I now know that route and do not have to be so concerned about what I am doing. Even though I do not mind driving a shift car it is a breeze to drive an automatic.

Miriam texted she is in Dubai. I no longer text very often so I sent her two empty messages before I got a reply done, but it is done and we talked back and forth. Texting at this point is much, much cheaper than talking. It can be done. If I had brought the IPod we could have used face time free.

Another victory, the dishwasher started. That may not sound like much but their dishwasher has a lock on it that I cannot always get off. Apparently it does not like my fingers. Course I could just wash as we bought me a nice pair of rubber gloves.

The wind is blowing strongly. Miriam mentioned that if it were such I might have to put the cover back on the Mustang. I did indeed have to do that. Luckily it was not off completely and blowing away. So it was not much of a struggle to get the three corners covered once more.


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