Friday, October 10, 2014

Sick and Well


Leroy is feeling much better and I am going the other direction. I did do quite a bit today. Washed two loads of clothes, hung them out got most of them back in (Leroy helped a little.), went shopping washed dishes, prepared breakfast, lunch (Leroy help some with that.), and prepared supper (Leroy helped again.).

I got gas this morning and washed the windshield. The wiper blade would not lie flat against the window when I was done so I jiggled it around some and it fell off in my hand. Bought new blades and Leroy put them on this evening. It was it was quite a simple fix. It is our other car that is complicated for some reason.

I just took my temperature now and I have a fever of 100.02 F. Tomorrow I will not get at my list of jobs, but just try to be a little quieter, but I must pack as I leave very early Sunday morning. I will take some fever reducer so they let me on the plane, or I might be better by then, course I have not been out of the country so it should be no problem. Leroy will just have to tackle some jobs even though he is working tomorrow as well. He will not be working all day.  He did say he was quite tired today and took a nap. He will have to extract my suitcase from the closet and I will fill it. I could not feel comfortable if he packed. I might not have the right things. At least with Miriam gone I can raid her closet at will, but then I do a certain amount of that anyway.

I just hope I am past the contagious stage at that point so I do not pass these germs on so someone else. Or perhaps it is from the flu shot that I got on Wednesday. I have had some reactions in the past even though we are not supposed to have that happen. My body has not read the book.

Our landlords came back from an extended vacation. It will be good to have them here looking after things. Leroy will not feel so responsible. Also there was the most beautiful sunset tonight. Best I have seen in a long time.


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