Saturday, October 11, 2014

Being Quiet


I’m trying to be quiet or at least not move around too much today. That is not my skill level. I do not like to sit still. I did sort the laundry and put one load in the machine, but Leroy put in the detergent and got it started. He also hung it up. He also took care of the second load. I suggested he put all his shirts in the dryer so he would not have to iron them. He did that, but I took many of them out as he did not notice the dryer had stopped. About half way done, I asked him if he would like to help and he promptly came.

Leroy made breakfast. I made my own snack because he was out. I did not go to the community garden with him. He tells me that the soybeans are not ready as there are still some green parts to them.

Since then I have read a book, Wonder, that was recommended by my friend. It was quite good. Now I am not sure what I will read for the rest of the day.

Leroy is picking up some black walnuts. He did crack one from our tree and we both thought it tasted good. For some reason when they fall this year much of the outer hull has come off. The hard part will be cracking them and then picking out the nut meats. Perhaps we will do that on some slow winter day.

Thursday Leroy come home and told me his tale of woe finding a house on a small street in town here. He was in the wrong lane on a larger thoroughfare and could not get off at the right time. When he came back something else happened, I do not remember all of these details. Then he ended up on another street that was not the one he wanted. Finally he stopped and asked for directions. All I could say was, “You need a GPS.”

He agreed and has been researching, asking questions, and wondering which one to get. If you have any pointers, let us know. Leroy’s sense of direction is limited. Now he is visiting all the people over 80 in the congregation and some of them live on the road less traveled. Not so terrific for Leroy to find them. He does not think that he wants or knows how to use an app on his phone so he is going to go with the additional device.


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