Friday, January 17, 2014

Feeling Crummy


That was yesterday that I felt crummy. So crummy, I did not even bother to write. Even though I worked all day and felt fine in the morning, I was looking for the end of the shift starting at noon. I do not usually watch the clock, but I probably looked at it every fifteen minutes just to see time crawl by.

Because I am off at three I thought I would take a nap before we went to our Spirituality study. Before I could get settled I realized I felt hot. My temp was over 100 degrees F. It is surprising because I usually notice joint aches when I have a fever and there were none. I trusted the thermometer and believed that I had a fever since I felt so low and slow. No more outings for me.

This is like true confession, but I also felt badly because someone had told me that their retired spouse was called back to their old job at their former salary for two days of the week. Knowing where they worked and what they did, I assume that their two days are paid much more than my three days. I was jealous rather than happy for them. This person has apparently not liked being home so much so there is that special benefit for them. I should be happy for them. I am getting closer to that feeling, but it is a bit slow in coming.

I have everything I need. I was reminded of this when I pulled into the alley to find two people there. One was a man and I am not sure about the sex of the other. In the frigid weather the guy seemed to be pulling closed the coat of the other person. They stepped to the side and I went past. I turned to pull into the garage, glanced back down the alley, and saw them go to a garbage can where they seemed to be pulling something out. Then I saw them turn and head off with a large bag that might have had 5 cent cans to recycle in it. I worked in a warm place, drove home in a warm car, and entered a warm house with enough to eat and a good bed. What more could I want?


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