Monday, January 20, 2014

Color in my life


I just got back from a trip to the church to pick up some poinsettias. On Sunday I had noticed there were still several sitting in the windows outside the Sanctuary. I asked about their fate learning that eventually they would be thrown out. I was offered some if I wanted. Did I want? Yes!! I selected four of the best looking although many were still in good shape. It was decided that Leroy would bring them home on his half day, Thursday. In looking at the weather, Leroy wondered if that was a good idea since it was to be quite cold. Because I went back to the chiropractor for that adjustment, exercise, and mini massage, I could make a circle and get them in the 30 degree weather.

Coming in the door of the church I met a woman from the book club. She had said she wanted to talk to me about the book we are currently reading that I have not started. I was flattered and amazed that she would want to talk to me. That statement boosted my feelings of self worth. So we ended up having such a long talk near the door that I even put down my purse so I would not feel the weight on my shoulder.

The church experience just increased in goodness. I stopped in the office to let the person know I had come to pick up the poinsettias and she said, “You must talk to someone who takes care of them,” pointing out another woman in the book club.

Dee commented that she had selected, for composting, some of the less good looking ones. You can have any of the rest. I selected four of them and started moving two of them to the door. As a neared the door Dee came out of an office and handed me another one. A woman was just going out the door and she helped me carry those three to the car. After that I returned for the last two only to find Dee standing with four more and declaring I should take them as the cleaner hated them with their dropping leaves. I felt a little guilty taking all this beauty, wondering if there were some other person who might like them. But so far no one else had stepped forward. When Leroy saw my bounty, he said, “Wow!”

I had thought about taking some to the library in Ely, but I am selfishly thinking of keeping them here as I have found spots for all nine poinsettias. All rooms except the bathroom, have one. I am blooming and colorful. Such joy is to be had!


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