Monday, January 13, 2014



We are now back home where everything feels familiar, comfortable and loved. Just think it has been two years now or almost two that we have lived here. How does that happen? I am blessed by that shift in feeling. I will miss it when we once again move. Every place that I have lived has good points. The people are the same way; there are always good people there.

It was a wonderful visit with Brian’s family. (I wish I could visit my daughters’ families as easily.) I will have to say that Leroy spent much time on the floor with Logan exploring his train set, building blocks, and other items. I, on the other hand, spent more time at a table or desk drawing or playing Skip Bo. The activities change as the ages change. Logan is still tightly connected to Leroy and Sophia is more with me.

Leroy had thought his name had been given to a congregation in Wisconsin. Because of the length of time and hearing nothing, he was thinking that they had decided no. He now finds out that today they will get his name. If they want to interview him the decision will be made today. Leroy’s voice revealed a touch of excitement. Our lives get hope filled, deflated, and hope filled once more. The future is not ours to see, but it seems it would be nice sometimes.

We spoke with a friend last night about the Medicare issues and because of such positive feedback I feel much better than I had been feeling. It will indeed all work out. God is working, now we need to think about how we can serve instead of what can be done for us. I have to confess to being selfish, especially when things are up in the air. I like to fly, but I guess the plane gives the illusion of solidarity and stability.


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