Friday, November 2, 2012

Sore Arm


I still have a sore arm, but it is getting better. I hardly thought about it today in spite of not being able to sleep on it last night. I certainly don’t like bumping it and even raising it up high is still a problem. I expect tomorrow it will be perfect.

While I was out shopping the city leaf vacuum came. The only problem was that there was a car parked in front of some of them so they could not reach them. Had I been home, I might have dashed out and moved those leaves to a more accessible spot. Hopefully they will come another week before they say it is all over. I am amazed at how quickly the trees became totally bare.

I did not weigh so much on the scale at the Dr. office. Only 125 pounds fully dressed. I thought I had been losing some weight. I suspect it is because I pack my evening meal twice a week. Generally that meal is not as large as what I would eat at home. I think, if I can remember to do it, I will ramp up my noon meal. It can take such an effort for me to gain weight.

Leroy had me get him some marked down Halloween candy to take to work. In spite of it being an easy way to gain weight, most candy does not appeal to me. I have no real difficulty passing it up.

As a treat for home this week I got blackberries and tangerines. I am certainly looking forward to sharing those with Leroy.

I am happy to be able to still hang out clothes. They have almost completely dried outside. I love that fresh smell when I bring them indoors. Seems to me it brightens up the place.

I was happy to find potting soil on my shopping trip. It pays to look in more than one place as well as ask for help. Now I can pot the impatiens that have finally grown nice roots. I also have some spider or airplane starts that need some soil base. Then there will be the two amaryllis that will need homes around Christmas time. I like to have the blooms later in the year when everything else is done.


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