Saturday, November 3, 2012

Doctor Visit

Some how I did not get this posted on the day I wrote it. So here it is out of order.
November 1, 2012


Before I get to that Dr. visit, just a note about the small tight world we live in. I learned that the director of Concert Chorale is a resident of Ely and I had seen him at the library more than once. Afterwards he saw me and finally figured out where he sees me.

In each new place it is so much effort on my part to find a new doctor or dentist or hairdresser, but now all of that is done. Leroy has been to the doctor in this spot already. He chose the closest one within easy walking distance, who was covered by our insurance. There is also a nurse practioner in the office so I chose to visit her. When I called for an appointment I was put on hold for what seemed like a long time. They talked to me for a while learning what I wanted. After which she asked if they could call me back. It took a day to get back to me during which time I wondered if I had made a mistake.

I am pleased with this woman I feel she was very thorough and asked many of the right questions for me. For instance I am going to have a bone scan, but not to back on the meds that give me such pain as there are some other options out there.

Flu and pneumonia shots were suggested, I had planned on the flu shot. They convinced me that pneumonia was important too and insurance would pay for it. In the past I remember being sick from some recent shot flu or tetanus, but they assured me that it would be just sore at the spot. I went to work and about two hours into noticed that it was quite painful to raise my arm. Then I started to feel sluggish. By the time I went home I was dragging. Then later I groaned, moaned, and had Leroy wait on me for a heating pad. Then it occurred to me that I might have a fever. Sure enough, it was 100.6 F. No wonder I was in such distress. After taking asprin I slept fairly well waking with no fever in the morning. However I was still sluggish and my arm was still so painful that my clothes hurt when they touched the spot.

I have more sympathy for children/infants when they get those shots. At least with me I can rationalize it knowing that it is ultimately helping me and not killing me.


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