Friday, November 9, 2012



Well I have now joined the ranks of an older breed of cat. Those on Medicare! Can I really be that old? I am not quite there, but in just a little over a month I will be.

I have been putting off this task for some time. I did visit with an adviser some time ago. They told me I needed to learn if Leroy’s insurance would still carry me. Oh the joys of having a younger spouse who lets me figure out things first. And why wouldn’t this insurance company be glad to have me as a client since I am so cute?

Brian asked, “Don’t you want to admit that you are almost 65?” when I told him that I could not make myself complete the process. There is some truth to that, but I lost steam when it took so long for Leroy to bring home the information from the insurance company. Then too I think I became supper hung up on making a mistake.

After my dentist appointment that was in almost the same area, I thought I would go to the Social Security office and ask questions. I very firmly talked myself out of that and headed home as commanded by my brain.

Finally I begged Leroy to hold my hand and go with me on his comp day this week. That was this morning’s job. We left so that we could do a little shopping in the area, saving gas or trips, and still come up to the door before the office opened. It was great to stand in the sun and visit with the woman ahead of us who was telling that her birth date was recorded incorrectly and there was a great struggle to rectify that. My task was going to be much easier than that.

As it turned out we were the second person in and out first. As that the pleasant woman behind the desk easily answered my questions and told me how to get the job done on line. I did not realize there was so much security at the door of the office. My purse had to be inspected.

I will admit now that I could have done it all alone, but I am grateful for the hand holding Leroy who charged right along spewing confidence along the way.


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